Monday, December 31, 2007 ♥
Last posted@7:27 PM
what a year..
lots of ups.
more downs than i'd like.
on the last day of 2007, i find myself reluctant to reminisce on everything that has happened. i find human minds strange as they usually remember more of the horrible stuff in life than the great. ask me to recall a painful moment in my life, i can pick a few with ease, but pick a joy and i find difficulty pinpointing a particular event that really gave me true memorable joy.
forgive me. it's not that those happy moments with friends, family are unmemorable. just, hardship tends to make a deeper mark, and god knows, 2007 has been hard.
i want to say i can end this year clean. with no regrets. but i really can't. and that bothers me.
anyway. came across this song in an advertisement and really liked it. it's also the song playing in the background.
No more champagne
And the fireworks are through
Here we are, me and you
Feeling lost and feeling blue
Its the end of the party
And the morning seems so grey
So unlike yesterday
Nows the time for us to say...
Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have a vision now and then
Of a world where every neighbour is a friend
Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have our hopes, our will to try
If we dont we might as well lay down and die
You and i
Sometimes I see
How the brave new world arrives
And I see how it thrives
In the ashes of our lives
Oh yes, man is a fool
And he thinks hell be okay
Dragging on, feet of clay
Never knowing hes astray
Keeps on going anyway...
Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have a vision now and then
Of a world where every neighbour is a friend
Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have our hopes, our will to try
If we dont we might as well lay down and die
You and i
Seems to me now
That the dreams we had before
Are all dead, nothing more
Than confetti on the floor
Its the end of a decade
In another ten years time
Who can say what well find
What lies waiting down the line
In the end of eighty-nine...
Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have a vision now and then
Of a world where every neighbour is a friend
Happy new year
Happy new year
May we all have our hopes, our will to try
If we dont we might as well lay down and die
You and i
Here's wishing everybody a happy new year 4.5 hours in advance. may 2008 bring more happiness. more hope. and if 2007 was great fer you, may 2008 be just as great.
♥ with love, meow
Friday, December 28, 2007 ♥
Last posted@10:35 PM
busy day
sore feet in hot and sticky shoes
went for OPSS staff meeting today at 0830. so early. when school starts it'll be even earlier. yawn. so daddy dropped me off at AMK and i made my way to khatib then walked to OPSS. i was freagin early and just sat around like some spare idiot while everybody else was hee hee ha ha - ing around me. that's what u get fer being new. PLUS all the relief teachers already seemed to be like left me la. spare like shit. and i got communication prob with people. pamela, the other art teacher was chattin with me, and i'm like mono answer : "yes" , "no". what the hell is wrong with me. it's quite farnii..yes the meeting dragged on for FIVE HOURS. hallelujah!after that went to NY to see ms lye. waited fer her to transfer portfolio pics into my thumbdrive and to print out my SYF prep to check. sat around and chatted with xinli fer a while...lalalala....waited fer him to finish uppp....fer a long time...then finaly left at round 1545 or so. andre was still there when we left. he was very quiet and looked down. cheer up man...can confide in me lurh.yea. then went to see janice, sara, yingle and winnie at cineleisure!!! oh...long time since i've seen yingle and winnie. they look the same. =P that's good. i dun like change. but they looked good and were stilll extraordinarily friendly. shall tag along on all field trips with them from now on. =) it was fun...though at time there were 'LONG AWKWARD PAUSES' (as quoted from..somebody). ate dinner and went home at 1815 around there.twas a long day. plus my shoes were killing me. note to self : DON'T GO SHOPPING IN WORK SHOES
♥ with love, meow
Wednesday, December 26, 2007 ♥
Last posted@12:24 AM
christmas really din feel like christmas this year. and i wonder why people keep saying 'Xmas'. i mean, it's CHRISTmas rite? i duno whether it's cos of some atheist thing, or for people who celebrate christmas with the tree and everything but yet dun believe in god. personally, i feel that when people say 'Xmas' it's like cancelling away the 'christ' in christmas, so it becomes like 'X'mas. *shrugswent to church in the mornin. crowded like nothing liddat even though we were like half hour early. harpist was there again and i oggled somemore, gave me a real urge to start up harp again, this time with personal tuition. it'd be so cool. =P someone has to take over ms wong at KK rite? might as well be moi.
so bla bla bla, had christmas lunch at a chinese restaurant(?), went SHOPPING!!!!!!! for teacher clothes. bought a pencil skirt, a dress and a top, plus the most awesome shoes ever!!!! like...ever. Robinsons was having 20% off fer card holders. so we went, but it was uber crowded. everywhere seems uber crowded on christmas. except home.
home is refuge.
opened presents before dinner!!!! i already knew what i'd get. skinny jeans. XP, and a surprise piggy cuddly thing from my brother. like i said. my brother is santta claus this year. later, he's gonna drive to all his friend's houses personally to deliver gifts. waste petrol man....but i wanna go with him, though i duno all his friends. i like to see ppl's reactions to presents, especially such splendidly wrapped ones. *wink winks
papa. struggling to open his gift.

eldest gor got a shirt.

second gor got a shirt.
it's just so hard to get stuff fer guys lor. seriously. so just buy em clothes.

mama got a check from my dad! wonder how much?!??!?!
haha. my brother said it was super unromantic. haha. dad's reply? try getting present for the same person for 30 years and u'll noe how hard it is to be creative. in all honesty...i think the check fer a gift was pretty creative. =)

dad finally got his present open. ARSENAL JERSEY!!!!! woot!

ok, this picture really has nothing to do with anything. just thought it was damn gross and unglam. =)
♥ with love, meow
Tuesday, December 25, 2007 ♥
Last posted@12:24 AM
it's christmas day
time really flies.
just came back from church. we had a 'carols by candlelight' service at 2230. the whole church was lit by nothin but candles and sang carols all night. i saw ms wong there, my harp teacher who taught me in PL. she was playing her beautiful harp.
i miss it
sara and her mum were supposed to join us tonite. but they couldn't make it. they couldn't come back in time. so next time bah. anyway, the service this year wasn't so great....some major cock ups with the organisation of the whole thing. plus, when we got there it was like uber crowded, and we sat in this ulu pandan place where we couldn't see anything. haha. anyway tomoro is christmas service. better go bright and early.
today i helped my brother wrap ALL his presents. for his friends, for our family. i wrapped them so nicely also. must be the best job i've ever done. he should be grateful man. his friends also wun believe that is he wrap one lor. credit me please.
my bro is playing santa claus this year. he bought fer a whole bunch of ppl. spent like 100 dollars plus on an arsenal jersey fer my dad. =) i think my dad will like it. haha. wonder what he got fer me...that's probably the only gift that he'd have to wrap himself. since i'm not allowed to look at it.
so time to make a christmas wish:
that i will get accepted into goldsmith college in the UK and that i'd get the MOE teaching scholarship fer art.
i think i've caught on to god's plan fer me. like, when i had no intention of taking up relief teaching this hols and was waiting to get into DBS, god was like all "NO!!! you have to get experience in teaching so that u'll have more to say for the scholarship interview and they'd have more reason to give it to u! so here, i'm forcing u take this job at OPSS whether u like it or not!" so yes..i'm going to be a relief teacher through god's handywork. and he'll help me be good at it. it kinda makes sense to me. an overseas art course really seems like the best education option fer me right now. cos i really have no clue what i'd do if i stayed in singapore. so yea...i hope i'm right.
really looking forward to studying aboad, get away from singapore fer a while and from other bothersome things. it's suffocating just thinking bout all the SHIT that has been going on lately. need to get away. need to forget. need to breakaway. completely. forever.
♥ with love, meow
Monday, December 24, 2007 ♥
Last posted@10:13 AM
AEP bbq was on saturday, the 22nd of Dec. didn't update then cause din have no pics!!! so many thanks to lee xinli fer these awesome pics! you may go see the rest in the aep blog.
i reached farrer park mrt station and to my horror saw 2 ppl there that ii did not expect. i was under the impression the whole time that itt was a bbq just fer the J2s, but well. guess not. wonder why it was not mentioned to me at all. but i guess it was more a farewell party fer ms lye so all had to be there i assume. to tell u the truth i would have NOT come at all if i had known. fer certain reasons which i'm sure lots of u all already noe about, but which of course i'm not at liberty to put down in black and white.
there were already PEOPLE there when we reached. we were bloody late. waiting fer xinli and all. haha. a bit awkward at first when certain AAs, well, were AA-ing. but integrated smoothly later on. =) my ability to ignore is stronger than i thought! what can i say bout the bbq, we sat, we ate, we drank, and we cooked. we then spent a lot of time sittin around chattin. elvis was playing some lame question game with us. kinda fun actually. it went like, someone would ask another something like:
would you rather sleep with an 80 year old man or wear only lime green fer the rest of your life?
of course i chose lime green.
yea, so there'd we a series of these kinda crazy questions. and u had to choose one or the other. elvis asked most of em. really couldn't think of anything to ask at the time. but of course when the question, ''if u were a les and had to date any of the J1s, who would it be?", came out, i swear i puked a little in my mouth. wonder if that was some kind of test.
so anyway. some pics of the bbq so enjoy.

precious J2s

went up to ms lye's house at the end of it all. very minimalist. haha. but nice. saw some of her art work. super pro. some of the sketches in her sketchbook really remind me of esther's work. hmmmm.....prodigies are all alike. very nice. we then took a group photo. couldn't get everybody's eyes to be open at the same time so we just took one where all of our eyes were closed! but of course, one person still managed to have his eyes open. great group shot! need i say why i think it's so great?
♥ with love, meow
Friday, December 21, 2007 ♥
Last posted@10:27 PM
call me MISS LEOW
art relief teacher at orchid park secondary school
i'm worried.
♥ with love, meow
Thursday, December 20, 2007 ♥
Last posted@9:45 PM
so i took down my previous post.
it sounded too angry fer my beautiful blog.
a miss victoria called me up a while ago. asked me to consider being a relief teacher at orchid park secondary school. apparently ms lye gave her my name, so she smsed me personally and then even called me?!?! . can't even ignore or avoid it like that lo. i really had little intention of taking up relief teaching for my temp job. one, because, i have a really bad feeling bout my A level results, so i doubt i stand a chance of getting the MOE scholarship; two, standing in front of a group of strangers and talking really freaks me out; three, i really dun think i'd make a good teacher. haish. i'll try me best though...if they want me that is.
so anyway. she called and i said ok to meeting her tomorow at round 2pm give or take. if i did get the job i'd be taking like 13 or 14 classes which have 40 minutes of art per week per class. is that a lot? not really, taking my experience of hours and hours straight of pure art in NY. i had fun though. only potential problem is that the school is in Yishun and if i have to be there fer assembly, i duno how early i'd have to wake up! argh. it'd be like going to school all over again, and it's supposed to be my long deserved 8 month vacation time! at least the pay would be good.
i desperately need someone to accompany me to the school tomorrow. i just can't do anything on my own.
♥ with love, meow
Sunday, December 16, 2007 ♥
Last posted@3:12 PM
feel like a watermelon
yesterday went to meet seow ling, shangyi and huayhan ard cityhall with the purpose of going to have a feast at marche in suntec. but guess what. THERE'S NO MORE MARCHE AT SUNTEC!!!! duno whether is we slow to know or what but ppl, if u are thinking of eating at marche? it doesn't exist anymore..not at suntec, not at heeren, though the 'village' place sells allmost all the same stuff.
so ended up in seoul garden! finally. cos i've never eaten there in my life. always wanted to but somehow, nobody wanted to bring me.... *shrugs
it's gooooooooood
during our meal, i got 'xinli possessed' and started taking lots and lots and lots of shots of sL and sY, cos it was convenient. (since they were sittin opposite me) managed to get bunch of super unglam ones. so now i dedicate this next section to sL and sY...enjoy. =D
not really unglam la. but sL look very shuai.
bian tai sL wants to grab somebody's...(fill in the blanks)

no comment.
my favourite unglam shot fer the day
ain't it great to catch all these candid moments of ppl. and then blackmail them with em. no wonder xinli likes it so much. so after seoul garden we walked round marina square a bit till all the shops started to close. sad...saw lotsa nice stuff that i would've bought if i weren't so freagin broke. *cries
at least shang bought herself new shoes cos the ones she was wearing broke. she said another pairs of hers broke not too long ago also.
i think her feet has teeth.
♥ with love, meow
Saturday, December 15, 2007 ♥
Last posted@9:00 AM
i'm hungry like a bear
went ta phuket, thailand, from 11th to 14th dec. just came back yesterday. i have a problem saying phuket now, cos if u just twist the pronunciation a lil' bit around, cos u all noe that 'ph' can be pronounced as an 'f', so u noe, it turns a lil' wrong. if u noe what i mean. 'phuk'-et? *winks. it's all russel peters fault. he influenced me with his stupid video on the tsunami.
so anyway we started off to CHANGI AIRPORT at around 6 in the morning. i love changi airport. it smells nice and is so clean. it's soooo puuuuuurty. smack!
check out the christmas deco at changi airport!
plane left at round 9-nish? seriously can't remember. flight was 1.5 hours. pretty short, so that's perfect cos i can't stand long flights. especially if it's not on SIA. i'm also extremely biased towards SIA planes fer some reason. but we sat silkair which is part of SIA as well so yea. not too bad. airplane food sucks a lot too. reached phuket at round 1030 singapore time. but of cos phuket is one hour behind singapore so we gained an hour. =D
we stayed at dusit laguna resort and spa
it's one of the 5 resorts situated in the same area round a lagoon. there are little ferries and tramps that can take u from one hotel to another. you can eat in any of the restaurants and also swim in any of the pools.
view of the lagoon from our room window
hammock - NOT comfortable
played a lil' pool on a snooker table.. -.-''
a lil channel thing which we went through on the ferry. sooo purrrtty.
stupid shot with my brother at sunset

mama, papa. inspirational hor..
view of the hotel at night
outside the rooms
rode the jet skis!!! me and my bro's fav. activity. they allowed you to go as far out as u want and anywhere. as long as u came back in the specified time. we rode all the way to the otherside of the lagoon. the water was so clear u could see right through it.

a lil' bit of baywatch action. O.o"


i think we drank cocktails every single day. i got a lil' high from drinking my 'maitai' too quickly

spaghetti at the hotel's italian restaurant

view from the plane on flight home
touched down in singapore at rround 2030 singapore time. we saw the A380 sky bus!!! is that what it's called??? duno. but dun matter. it was HUGE. would really really really like ta sit on that plane. it's gigantic. so cool. once again, i'm totally biased towards singapore airlines. =)) haha. at arrival hall, my brothers got called aside to have their bags checked. security so tight and apparently they look like possible terrorists. probably cos of one if their bags which seriously looked like a bomb bag. like those commercials u see on the mrt where they say if u see this kinda bag lyin around must report. ya, his bag looked like one of those bags. super hilarious. he got stopped in phuket also. lol.
anyway. glad to be home.
♥ with love, meow
Friday, December 14, 2007 ♥
Last posted@10:32 PM
♥ with love, meow
Monday, December 10, 2007 ♥
Last posted@11:20 PM
today we had clique and class outing to celebrate joan and yixiu's bday. the clique including sihui and excluding serene met up earlier at city hall to have our own little celebration and gatherin. walked to marina where we sat at kfc for a while cos joan was hungry and shiu was thirsty. i think they liked their gifts. we got joan this notebook which looked like clothes. haha. or, at least, it was wrapped in clothes. cool. shiu we got a t'shirt with a lil boy boy in the front which kinda looks like her.
all she needs to do is wear some sunglasses and dye her hair blue and she'll be all set. also had her carry around the PINK and white bag that came along witht he shirt. she looked damn girly fer once. =)
after that we went to watch enchanted. again
i was the only one who had watched it, so since there was nothing better to watch, it's ok. just watch again lor. i just bought lotsa stuff to eat to entertain myself. during the movie there was this damn rude person behind me and sihui please. she took off her shoes and put them on the arm rest there. goodness elbow touched them!!!! ew.
so after movie we then made our way down to clarke quay to meet the rest of our class. we were late and they were all waiting. i think they were pissed with us or somethin. lucky it was one big group of us who were late. if not sure gana beaten up. we went to 'mindcafe' where u can go and eat and play board games together. what i dun like bout the place is the seats. they are bloody uncomfortable, specially for people with long legs please. like me. lol. not funny. and it's super hard to find a game that all 18 of us could play together. firstly because the tables were arranged laterally, so couldn't really see what was going on in the middle fer those at the side. second, there aren't many games which can cater to 18 ppl.
one of the many unglam shots of shiuzee
zinc sucking
examining sihui's mole
super super unglam

yay. bday girls!
it's a girl? it's a boy? it's shiuzee
the outing was fun, but pretty bust. not really close to the rest of my class other than my clique. dun actually talk to them actually. i think i might be antisocial. *shrugs. but anyway, had my share of laughs fer the night. our clique left earlier cos i had to get home early, same with po and shiuzee. i love my clique. <3
leaving for phuket tomorrow morning
bye everybuddy.
♥ with love, meow
Sunday, December 9, 2007 ♥
Last posted@9:28 PM
my gor is home from Osaka, Japan. he left late on tueday night (while i was at grad night) and came home in the evening today. he went with his supposed 'gf', her family and a nother friend. i think it's so weird that he's going on holidays with her and her family when we haven't even seen or met her b4. so yea. parents finally met her today anyway finally. she's pretty i think. and slightly shorter than my brother so that's good. cos he's kinda short as well. shorter than me anyway. poor guy. he brought back tond of stuff too. mostly food. jap crap. but he did bring back sake and ice wine. yum. i'm all alcohol crazy.but i'm not an alcoholic
now he's downstairs watching his liverpool match that i taped fer him which he missed. little does he noe that liverpool is going to lose that match. haha. he's gonna be soooooooo annoyed later. haha.
talking to yixiu bout serious stuff. it's her bday today.. happy birthday suzy!
you can officially drink and drive
but not at the same time
going to phuket in ONE day!
♥ with love, meow
Friday, December 7, 2007 ♥
Last posted@11:25 PM
saw people today
my heart skipped a hundred beats
not in a good way
felt like my brains were exploding
thousand boots trampling on my insides
what's wrong with me
okok. i'm being overly dramatic.
watched 'enchanted' today finally. with shangyi and seow ling. was rummagin around the house with my mum ta find daily bread and christian books and stuff fer sara's mum. was almost late for our 1130 meetin, but made it in good time bah. =) the show was acceptable. not one of those type that i'm like all hyper over, but not as bad as how my mum advertised. she absolutely hated it. and sL and sY kept laughin at it the whole time and i really din get what was so funny. mebe they were laughin at how overly drama and lame it was. *shrugsso after the movie we waltzed around looking fer presents fer certain people, whose birthdays are coming up soon. *snigger. until 3 o'clock! which is when we can get BUFFET at sakae! that was our idea of lunch AND dinner joined together. but of course i got hungry at around 2100, so we went for supper at chomp chomp. ate fried oyster, my favourite...but it sucked there.
After sakae, sL and sY came back to my house ta play sims. haha. so lame. we created a family consisting of sY and the mama and me and sL as the kids. i was the girl kid and sL was the boy kid.
sL neva take care of her sY sim - she was dying =(((
after that we let sY build her own house. a FLOATING HOUSE. that then turned into a competition of who can create the best house. nearly died laughin when shang was doin her house. she had tons of uncoordinated stuff thrown together in one room. damn cute. played until 2200. so late. sL is yet to make her house to compete with us.
sL 'massaging' or molestin shang?
Shang's house first floor
Shang's house second floor
my house first floor
my house second floor
winners of our 'competition' will not win any prizes, just some confidence and pride in their sims house building skills.
♥ with love, meow