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Tuesday, January 29, 2008 ♥
Last posted@8:57 PM

nothin outstanding in school. usualy i use monday to test out how i'm going to teach my classes fer the rest of the week. cos monday i have one sec 2 class and one sec 1 class and they are both quite guai so easy to test out my lessons on them fer the week. this time round, i din feel too god bout it. especially the sec 2 lesson. cos i was like trying quite hard to explain to them the purpose of having them draw GEM STONES..ya..and they were all like ''??????". yea. so a bit worrying.

after work went out with beryl to town where we went to art friend and kino, then went to far east to shop fer clothes. i bought some stuff but she like...after going into 100 shops still came out with nothin..

"you must click with your clothes."

so then we caught the 1925 movie - 27 dresses at cineleisure. it's a great movie! if u are into the whole chick flick thing. can get some good laughs out of it. =) ya..and there were these girls sitting in front of us who whooted and howled when james marsden appeared. tsk tsk. have some self image la please. i felt embarrassed for them lor.

Zi yao: "leow leow leow leow leow!"
teacher: "what?"
Zi yao: "wah cher! u respond ah?"
teacher: "ya! you really very rude lor."

i forget the rest of the conversation...but was seriously quite shocked that this boy can address me liddat. damn rude la now that i think bout it. but i didn't scold him. cos really, to me they are like almost my peers. plus i was very happy in their class so i took it lightly.

student: "cher! you full name is what ah? ur sir name is leow rite?"
teacher: "yeap!"
student: " hurh...u noe (so and so - another student whose sir name is also leow). u 2 related ah? you his mother ah? sister? he ur husband? boyfriend? etc."
teacher: "no!!! siao. do ur work."

student: "cher! how old are u ah? 18? 23 right..?? 20!..."
teacher: "hahaha..cannot tell u all la, later u all will bully me."
student 2: "aiya..see cher's face, must be 30 plus already laaaaa!"
teacher: ".... *bish bash*.."

yea. just some of the many interesting encounters with my students today. 2b1.

today is tuesday again and usualy tuesday is D day but this time round, it really wasn't too bad. i tot it would be horrible cos i was in a real sore mood when i woke up. i actually thought of callin in sick cos i felt so shitty. but i know my parents would flip out if i did.

yea. but surprisingly. my dreaded sec 2 classes today were really not too bad. still a rowdy bunch of monkeys but the usually notty ones were strangely sedated today. especially in 2b2. the group of girls were very hardworking and very sweet today. and they bunch of boys were in their seats most of the time at least. still got some jokers throwing paper balls around and not doing work. but overall was very pleased with 2b2 today. though they still left the art room a huge mess.

2b1 then came in and i realise that i really like their class a lot. mebe it's cause they are right after 2b2 so i'm biased. but they are really a nice bunch of ppl. the one class so far that i joke around with a lot and who dare to joke around with me. =) i like that. it makes the lesson much more enjoyable fer me personally. nice ppl. =) felt very happy after teaching them today. i might grow attached to them... O.o

♥ with love, meow

Sunday, January 27, 2008 ♥
Last posted@9:09 PM

it's raining
i love it when it rains
especially at night
it's comforting
it's soothing
it's pure peace

♥ with love, meow

Thursday, January 24, 2008 ♥
Last posted@10:31 PM

Today was learning journey day for the OPSS sec 4 and 5 art students to lovely lovely NYJC! i went along of course bein one f the art teachers and of course since i am an NY student. i still am ok...i always will be! I FELT SUPER SUPER SUPER HAPPY TO GO cos i miss NY so so so so much...and of course. i miss AEP the most. <3 HEART <3 HEART <3

i felt extremely proud to be an NYJCian when i saw the buildin come into sight on the bus! really wanted to show off the whole school to them. cos i think NY is such a great great great place. yes my dear OPSS students...be in AWE of the greatness that is NYJC. haha..unfortunately i wasn't a very good tour guide when it came to explaining art works...especially all those that were hanging all around the school..hoohooo..yea. i'm a failure..but ask me bout our batch the coursework i can tell u tons! and i'll tell u enthusiastically! i got a feelin mdm loy and pam have noticed that i'm quite a sucky teacher right now...o wellx. i'm not trained what do u expect. poo.

saw some juniors. elvis, yan jie, gabriel, jia qing and our dear marcusssss.


so i stayed in NY when the students and all left. to socialise with the 3 mushrooms. =) mrs ng asked me if i wanted to come back and relief SOVA and coursework at NY!!!! and OMG!!!! I REALLY REALLY REALLY WANNA COME BACK TO NY!!!!! o please mrs ng..i hope u were being serious!!! ms hew felt bad bout recommending me to OPSS then taking me back to NY but pleaseeeeeee...i've had my taste of sec school. it's tough but i can handle it! i noe! so please let me teach in NY!!!!!! oh! and take in Shang too!!! it'll be so great. =)

Marcus playing host!

went to novena square with xinli, xm, shang, sL and zhixin for some japanese curry thing that xinli wanted. not bad..but i was still stuffed from late lunch so in the end got bloated and can see my big fat tummy stickin out under my blouse. heehee. lotsa air inside. like a ballooon. took some super lame pics outside the toilet after dinner..


♥ with love, meow

Sunday, January 20, 2008 ♥
Last posted@8:58 PM

tired of life

i seriously miss being a student
teachers have it bad
i've a new found respect for them
specially fer those workin in neighbourhood schools
i kow tow at ur feet

heard PL has an opening fer art relief
i think i shall try and quit OPSS to go there
it might be better
it's nearer to home
it's my old school
girls should be easier to handle
it's a mission school
one problem: Mr Laurence Leow

i miss sleepin in
i feel lonely
i feel like ripping out my eyes whenever i see some people

I miss NanyangJC

I miss AEP

♥ with love, meow

Wednesday, January 16, 2008 ♥
Last posted@7:56 PM

start of lesson:

teacher: "where's your work?"
travis : "teacher! teacher! i tot my work was very ugly so i threw away le.."
teacher: "you dun give me this kinda nonsense lo.."

end of lesson:

travis: "teacher! teacher! if i think my work is ugly can i throw away again?"
teacher: "OF COURSE NOT LA! you dare to throw again, you will redo it u understand?!?!"
travis: "hurh...then cher, if i dun throw away u must gimme extra marks ok?"
teacher: "why should i give u extra marks???"
travis: "...."
teacher: "we shall see.."

adviced response from leslie:

travis: "teacher! teacher! if i think my work is ugly can i throw away again?"
teacher: "throw lo! throw lo! you throw how many, u get zero how many." (grin widely)

truely a culture shock la. never heard such an absurd excuse in my life. i was quite amused. it's super weird coming from a JC where students are like reasonable well behaved duin lessons and comin to teach in such a school where i can't even hear myself teaching sometimes.

today i had 3 sec 1 classes. the sec 1s are still little cuties. though i can already see the developing devils here and there, especially from the normal acad classes. so i repeated the same lesson 3 times over and the same instructions to individuals and small groups at least 50 times today. my voice is seriously dying, even the students could tell. and of course, being developing devils, they found no qualms commenting bou it openly to me. smack ur ass lor. have some respect.

got asked again how old i was. was tempted to tell them but i shrugged it off. cannot risk losing any more respect.


♥ with love, meow

Tuesday, January 15, 2008 ♥
Last posted@8:04 AM

on the verge of self inflicted state of depression
.being EMO.

i think that all depression is self inflicted. nobody can make u or force u into depression. it's really up to the individual to control their own state of mind, be positive and put aside all the SHIT. control the SHIT, dun let the SHIT control u. am i right or am i right? =)

so anywayz, i haven't been bloggin fer the past 3 days. that's quite long fer me since i usually rant daily. there were some personal issues i had to deal with pronto, or i'd have gone absolutely nuts.

saturday was a super super bz day, had quite a number of appointments with various people at various places at all the far ends of singapore. haha. i saw vivian. went to her house. very convenient cause it was rite opposite jan's house. went to jan's house too. so me and vivian gossiped a whole lot, swooned at interjc pageant guys. she showed me her EC and and i drooled at mine.. *wink winkx. but din get to stay long, we'd barely started really talkin when i discovered that miss claudyne lim (john claud) was already at toa payoh!!! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO WAIT FOR MY CALL!!!! so i flew over and we took bus to temasek poly to visit esther at her open house. went there fer the sole purpose of seeing her and her work. was fun. =)

after that took bus and train down to bishan to meet jan and sara again to celebrate sara's bday. we ate at swensens. yum. janice was trying to be all hip hop and stuff. lame jan.. -.-'' could've died laughin. i wonder if there have ever actually been cases where ppl suffocate laughing. i think it's very possible..i always feel like i might die whenever i laugh so hard. anyway. it was super fun. =))

thanks my dears, ur company really made my day.

janice is super unglam..

yes, as our tradition, we started to take random shots of ourselves. unglam shots that is. i mean..at least for janice. =) we were havin some photoshoot on the bus liddat. hilarious.

enough bout saturday. SUNDAY. nothin much, but i had the strong desire to go to church cos of my SHIT. i felt the urgent need to be in the presence of christians. haha. yea. felt really good to be in church. i felt sheltered, i felt safe, i felt like i never wanted to leave... there was little poem on the church bulletin that mornin that i really liked and shall now share with u guys :

i'd strengthen friendships, old and true,
and learn to cherish new ones, too;
to keep on learning and to grow
a little better as i go

to cast aside each grudge and grief,
and hold fast to a firm belief
that life is joyous, gracious, good,
when lived in terms of brotherhood.

to welcome fun, and play a while,
to lighten work and happy smile.
to thank the lord and everyday
remember him, and kneel to pray.

in gratitude for strength and health
and blessing which are all my wealth.
this year's a gift from god to me
to spend, to use, or set me free.

a whole new year is mine today,
may i be wiser, lord, i pray.

ok. hope this update has covered enough that i've missed. i shan't complain about my torture treatment in school today.


♥ with love, meow

Friday, January 11, 2008 ♥
Last posted@8:37 PM


today is friday and friday is slack day. had only 2 periods with 1b2 first thing in the mornin then nothing fer the rest of the day. friday is a gooooood daay. just that i predict 1b2 will be a big handful in the near future. another bunch of monkeys that just dun listen. had to punish another boy today. made him sit alone at one corner and he STILL found ppl to talk to, STILL get up and walk around, STILL refuse to draw anything for me and STILL dare to talk rubbish to me. i remember his name - JOSHUA. he better hand in what i told him to next week or he's gonna be dead.

after class i slacked around the rest of the time, me, vic and berryylll hung out in the staff lounge..fer a long time. other than that i visited the toilet a few times and ran some errands. fridays rock!!! me and heather left at like 1320 round there, the earliest we've left ever. headed to town ta shop. din get anythin though..so i'm still facing shortage of work clothes. pleh! it's important for teachers to make sure they got variety in their wardrobe lorr....

Students talk...

today also encountered 2 bian tai ppl in 1b2.

"cher! cher! ur backside got white white thing leeeee...."

"cher! cher! can see ur underwear leeeee....."

go and die la. look at ur own underwear lor. sick little monkeys. cannot wear pants anymore. and the 2 monkeys were girls la. goodness lor. AND once again, fer the 2nd time, i got asked:

"cher! u malay or chinese ah?"

4 nuts sake. do i look malay to you?!?!??! and is that a compliment or an insult? i'll never know. i must have some hidden malay genes that ppl keep wonderin if i'm malay or chinese..sheesh.

anyway. today is the 11th. meaning that our dear andre has been kicked off to the concentration camps. that means my online buddy is no longer existent...not fer a while anyway. oh so sad, i shall be so lonely online, one less person to annoy me and fer me to annoy. din even get to really say goodbye too. oh poor andreeeee...bald and everythin!!!!! BYE ANDRE!!!!!!!! WILL MISS YOU TERRIBLY!!!!!!!!! toughen up and get a tan. u need one.

♥ with love, meow

Thursday, January 10, 2008 ♥
Last posted@6:52 AM

look at what time it is lor. all u poknes are probably still curled up in ur cozy lil' beds, huggin pillows and bolsters, wrapped up in a soft blanket that smells like u. sick lor!!!! me le?!?!?!?! i'm still so freakin tired from yesterday. sleep like never sleep at all. so then after today i'll be double tired and after tomorow triple. what a great life hor. i'm livin the dream. (like real) i'm in such a horrible mood...i think i might be pmsin. probably am. literally. plus the fact that i gotta deal with bratty lil' kids all day, trying to teach them stuff. oh it's so so so hard.

anyway, yesterday after work i went home b4 meetin aep geeks fer dinner at novena. lotsa ppl came. =) YAY. so glad ta see all of em. really missed them a lot a lot a lot. had so much fun too. sL kept makin me laugh fer no reason. i duno, she put on andre's cap and i just couldn't stop laughin. laugh until shang got a lil' annoyed. HEY! IT'S PAY BACK TIME LOR....after ur irritatin antics on msn. HOrriBlLe IncOrriGAbLE VegEtaBLe. =) but still lub yer tons shang. we sat around fer a long time, eating, ice-creamin, and chattin and calculating the bill. haha. i must have gone toilet like 3 times at least. drank too much. then i started dozin off towards the end and apparently i appear drunk when i'm tired. i may have been semiconscious, but i wasn't drunk k...perfectly sane lor. i did start stickin to pillars again though. it's a PL tradition accordin to sL.

these two again. always find some way to get into my shots. =P

sL forever doing funny(weird) things..

"yo homey, buy my dope music box thing. peace out."

k so dragged myself home, showered, chatted a lil online and dropped inta bed and the next thing i noe i'm up again and here i am, still feelin just as tired as yesterday and the day b4.

life is swell.

today i shall be dancing around sec 3 and sec 2 classes, switchin every period with the other art teacher, pam. it's a better arrangment, but no less tiring. looking forward to lunch with shang and xm later. =) they're comin to collect me from school. so happy. ok. i gotta go take a crap in the toilet with only one cubicle. life is good. bye.

♥ with love, meow

Tuesday, January 8, 2008 ♥
Last posted@8:50 PM

super tired

today was like the Sh.it.tiest day.

♥ with love, meow

Sunday, January 6, 2008 ♥
Last posted@2:01 PM

feel like a pig

after a very boring day on friday, cos i had no lesson i went on star virgo..AGAIN in the evening. daddy came to pick me up from school cos i had ta carry around the laptop..but not anymore. muaha. i got one from the school and can go internet!!! BUT NO MSN. only 'E-buddy' or somethin liddat. watever. anyway. quite hard to surf rubbish and do normal internet stuff like BLOG in the school cos there are teachers sitting all around me and i sit right at the door so everybody can see what the hell i'm doin. sick. nvm.

going cruise is like a routine now. always eat at the same chinese restaurant on the first night. "Pavillion" is it? food kinda sucks at the place..dun even wanna mention the horrible food at meditterenean..plus so crowded and crazy singaporeans pile their plates like nothing like that. typical. no wonder we're not a first class city yet. so literally, i just ate and slept the whole trip cos there's really nothing much ta do la. but i like to go cos i like ta just sit on the balcony and stone. listen to music and let the wind blow through u. very relaxin and inspirational. kinda gives u a feelin of freedom and i often think of jumpin off the balcony into the water..haha.

i'm not suicidal.

so only event we attended was that stupid show which they always have while ppl are waiting fer the casino to open. it really sucked. the dancers might as well dun dance..they were just hopping around stage. so useless. chinese acrobats weren't too bad la...but was too disrtacted to enjoy anythin. =x and also fer the first time ever i could enter the casino without feelin duper guilty. cos yes...I AM 18. MUAHAHHAHA. i acted real cool also when i went in...u noe..as if i've been in there a million times beforeee...no big deal lor, just hords of ah ma and ah gong pullin slots and sittin round tables. =) not my kinda scene.

anyway. some shots from the ship. enjoy.

mum and grandpa

i am the master of unglam photography(except xinli, he's my shifu)

view of vivo at top deck before sail off

told u i take unglam shots..

from the main deck

pretty sunrise this mornin

my collection of cruise cards. seem to have lost some..

there are actually people who go on the cruise every single week u noe. it's crazy. must be their second home or something by now. guess they go to gamble. terrible..

♥ with love, meow

Friday, January 4, 2008 ♥
Last posted@3:38 PM

i'm very happy today =)

hello!!!! this be my first post from school....hoho..using the school's laptop. must be very brief cos quite scarey doing notty stuff like BLOGGIN in front of everybody in the teacher's room. like they paying me to blog or what. but, there's NO msn...SAD LA.

♥ with love, meow

Thursday, January 3, 2008 ♥
Last posted@11:47 PM

hello loyal 'the-artfart' readers. must be very few but nvm..=) i'm not dead. did u all think that i was dead cos i din blog bout my first day yesterday. not that u all would care much..i'm an insignificant speck. yea. but i din diecos 1st day was damn slack. just how i like it.

ok the real reason why i din blog bout it is cos like 10, 000 ppl asked me bout it and i had to answer them all with the same reply so i got really bored...ok. so my first day at OPSS was super beyond super slack. my timetable showed i was supposed to take 3 sec 1 classes. HOWEVER!!!!!! SEC ONES ALL GOT ORIENTATION!!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! so i was like rolling around in my wheelchair (as in, a chair with wheels) all day in the staff room. and i made a coupla new friends quickly.

Heather!!!! THANK YOU FOR TALKING TO MEEEEE!!!! i would've been a pathetic loner without u!!!! what a sweet gal..=) she showed me aorund the school, introduced all the canteen stalls to me..we talked crap in the staff lounge.. had a real blast with u.. =) too bad when next week starts, things will get hectic and wun have much time to slack around a crap like yesterday.

so anyway, the only real 'teaching' i had that day was to relief a fom teacher for art orientation activity. went in and told the students what to do...walked around and talked to those who were stuck or having trouble. i think i was too nice to them liao. vbut they are still sec 1s..i shall be more 'firm' when their real art lesson starts. OK...so everybody keeps saying to me...."you gotta be firm with the students"

What the hell do ppl mean when they say firm?

easier said than done lor seriously. it's hard to sound firm when u are born with a high and squeaky voice. like today...i swear i tried my best to be 'firm'. but...guess it din work. i had 5 freagin periods straight with my only sec 3 class. and they just HAD to hand me the normal Acad class....for goodness sake. do i look like i can handle a bunch of rowdy teenagers with raging hormones, who keep bashing each other on the floor and on the head and wherever, jumping around, going toilet like 10 times in the 5 periods, always calling me "CHER'',trying to figure out my age and whether i am chinese or malay. HONESTLY LOR.....DO I LOOK MALAY TO U...?!?!?!?! and by the end of the lesson they were all over the place, carryng their bags, jumping around like monkeys with rabies..goodness...while i'm trying to give instructions on what to bring next week. its literally like talking to myself. o woe is me... sobx...it will get better!!!!!!!!

so anyway, left after the torturous 5 periods for NY to meet shang, sL, cheng and Hanny. went to collect our CHEque!!!! muadehahaha..i'm 200 dollars richer now. also went to visit precious art teachers in art room....this time we got to go in and chit chat ok. last year we always envy the seniors who go back then they sit in the teachers room and always hear the laughig so loud fro outside....jealous siaa....now our turn...=)) sad that ms lye wasn't there.....it's hardly the same without her.. mrs ng was there...and ms hew..so pleased to see them. received warm welcome and they commented on how i was dressed too nicely...wahaha...say sure got students crush me...yeayea...just dun stalk me can already. mrs ng was trying to give her dog away cos her poor baby allergic..sad. noe how much she misses her dog. ok..too luo suo ler..must wrap up.

went to watch i am legend after that. INTERersting show i guess..not much ta comments. hung around at j8 a while, ate dinner, came home, changed, went out again. =))) came home again...and here i am.

♥ with love, meow

Tuesday, January 1, 2008 ♥
Last posted@7:21 PM


tomorrow will be my first day as art relief at OPSS. i'm scared!!! my worst fear is that i freeze up in front of my students and start stuttering and just make a big fat fool outta myself. everybody keeps saying,

"it's ok. first lesson is just introductory la.."

firstly, WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?!?!?!??!?!?!? "introductory" so am i supposed to spend the whole 1 hr 20 mins doing introductory exercises. spend 1 hr 20 mins asking names and setting expectations and talking bout how art is so great and wonderful bla bla bla bla. IMPOSSIBLE! i'd probably run out of things to say after 5 minutes. so since i was not handed any kind of lesson plan fer sec 2 and sec 3 classes, i'm like walking blindly into this. i did create my own powerpoint and jotted down a rough lesson plan. i still think it sucks. KAIYING IS SO LUCKY!!!!! even though her hod at amkss is apparently evil, at least she gets to partner up with someone else to teach!!!! not like me...i'm totally on my own. boohoohoo. i can only pray that tomorow will be slack. =D

so anyway. i will talk all bout my first day at OPSS tomorrow. if i live to tell the tale.

meanwhile, here's a tribute to my dog. woohoo!

ok. his name is not woohoo, it's buddie. i call him 'beans' a lot though. =) lil' bean bean is really reall camera shy. u noe how many shots i had to take b4 i could get one where he's actually looking at the camera. TONS! i lub beans.

♥ with love, meow

the person.



NUS FASS freshy
turning 20 this 12th July


desperately seeking


maybe in some other time
some other place


though we travel the world over the find the beautiful
we must carry it with us or we find it not

the sky.


a perfect paradox of constancy and change
always there but never the same

i love.

buddie baby
precious friends


i must down to the seas again
to the lonely sea and sky
and all i ask
is a tall ship and star
to steer her by

talk to me.

i carry your heart.

e.e. cummings

i carry your heart with me
i carry it in my heart
i am never without it
anywhere i go you go,
my dear;
and whatever is done
by only me
is your doing,
my darling

i fear no fate
for you are my fate,
my sweet
i want no world
for beautiful you are my world,
my true
and it's you are
whatever a moon
has always meant
and whatever a sun
will always sing
is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
here is the root of the root
and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky
of a tree called life;
which grows higher
than the soul can hope
or mind can hide
and this is the wonder
that's keeping the stars apart.

i carry your heart
i carry it in my heart


cheng hong
inn poh
kai ying
seow ling
sook chan
tze yin
xian min

aep blog


there is love

Love is patient,
love is kind.
It does not envy,
it does not boast,
it is not proud.

It is not rude,
it is not self-seeking,
it is not easily angered,
it keeps no record of wrongs.

Love does not delight in evil
but rejoices with the truth.

It always protects,
always trusts,
always hopes,
always perseveres.

love never fails

Corinthians 1:4-7

the history.
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
May 2009
June 2009

Template (sweetpulchritude-)
Idea (`vanessa_)
Design (LGM