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Thursday, February 28, 2008 ♥
Last posted@10:49 PM

went back NY to attempt to compile a portfolio with shang and xm.
at the same time, we found our aptitude test paintings and writing and reminisced on how much we sucked when we first started, though i thought mine din look that bad. but we certainly have come a long way since then. =)
scanned in my paper2 works, japan painting etc, then stupidly left my thumbdrive in the mac lab. (AT LEAST I HOPE I LEFT IT THERE!!!!!!!)

we left at round 6 and sat at the drum, waiting fer miss hew when we ran into mr quek and asked him bout NY's ranking this year. he complained that there were 700 (!!!!!) ppl trying to appeal into NY!!! YES! NY ROCKS!!! it is no wonder that so many ppl wanna get in.
NY's entry point this year fer both arts and sciences is 10 points la. like wth. if that was my year, erm, i can just 4get bout coming in la. he also said that our ranking was top ten la. yay! i'm sp proud of NY!


be afraid. be very afraid. or be thrilled. up to u.

anyway. then went to meet up with belize and chicken fer dinner at marina square billy bombers.
chatted so much.
felt like we had never left sec school at all cos the crap just kept flowing and had so much fun.
hope ta hang out with them again real soon.

♥ with love, meow

Wednesday, February 27, 2008 ♥
Last posted@10:16 PM

i feel the need.
the need for...


yea. i get these crazy moments, or phases more like, where i just feel the serious need to be fit, to work out and build some musclesssss. delicious muscles. cos i feel like i'm getting fat, round the tum-tum especially. yea. i need to look good when i go overseas before i start putting on insulating fats to keep warm in the winter.

so i felt the strong urge on sunday and started to exercise on monday, beginning with my mum's ab-training machine thing. my rountine would be 60 general crunches, 40 lower abdominal, then 40 side crunches on each side. yea, it's not as little as it sounds. i'll increase gradually as i go along. after i did it on monday morning, i was aching EVERYWHERE by evening. lol. see how terrible fit i am. did the same ab routine on tuesday morning then went swimmin in the afternoon with my brother. 12 laps. ya. very little. i got no stamina.

today went swimmin once again early in the mornin at 0630. the pool was damn dark and eerie. i can't help but imagine that there's some creature lurking in the water chasing me, like a shark or something. i got through it. 14 laps. see, i'm increasing by the day.

so yes, i shall exercise everyday from now on, try to swim at least 2 times a week, and ab crunches every single day. yes, i'll be fatless in no time. at the same time, i'll try to be less of a carnivore and more of an omnivore.

♥ with love, meow

Sunday, February 24, 2008 ♥
Last posted@10:11 PM

"Someone's Watching Over Me"

Found myself today
Oh I found myself and ran away
Something pulled me back
The voice of reason I forgot I had
All I know is you're not here to say
What you always used to say
But it's written in the sky tonight

So I won't give up
No I won't break down
Sooner than it seems life turns around
And I will be strong
Even if it all goes wrong
When I'm standing in the dark I'll still believe
Someone's watching over me

Seen that ray of light
And it's shining on my destiny
Shining all the time
And I wont be afraid
To follow everywhere it's taking me
All I know is yesterday is gone
And right now I belong
To this moment to my dreams


It doesn't matter what people say
And it doesn't matter how long it takes
Believe in yourself and you'll fly high
And it only matters how true you are
Be true to yourself and follow your heart


♥ with love, meow

Tuesday, February 19, 2008 ♥
Last posted@9:49 PM

slacking is my occupation

today was my last day teaching art at OPSS. a tuesday. it was good, even though at the end i felt just a lil' bit sore that i was leaving. i will miss my monkeys quite a lot actually and surprisingly when they heard that i was leavin, they were quite upset. din noe that they liked me that much. but felt very touched after that and quite upset too, that i was leaving them. mebe also a bit jealous that they'll grow attached to another teacher. i like that they talk and joke with me. makes me feel human.

2B1 girl: "cher, dun quit la...ask principal give ur letter back, dun quit laaa..."
teacher: "too late liao la..sorry."
2B1 girl: "cher! why u quit never discuss with me first?!?!?!"

omg. so cute. 2B1 is so cute. they're so fun. gord i'll miss them. i'll miss most of my classes. shall go back and visit still, i needa give out sweets to 1B1 and 1A1, then i bought lollipop fer my sec 3s. lol. so childish.


the good news is i now have lotsa time to do the things which i planned to do after A levels but never got the chance to start on. =)

♥ with love, meow

Friday, February 15, 2008 ♥
Last posted@8:55 PM

xian min gave away the name of my imaginery valentine...
not that it's that hard to guess.

today was supposed to be my slack day. but there was 1B2, total defence day programme, fire drill, no food in the canteen..etc. plus i had to get ready fer art club activity. me and beryl went to art room and spent 2 periods painting old, half used canvases white, then after that, mixing the paints to form 'valentine colours' for our activity.

we did Pollock.

made some notes bout Pollock fer the students, not like they appreciate it or will read it or anythin. dun matter. then we started our activity which ended real quickly. cos it's just 20 students splatting paint on 2 canvases. that took them like mebe half hour tops. most of the time was spent cleaning up after that. cos our newspapers were, well, useless, and let's face it, sec school students and paint splatting? not a good recipe fer neatness. but in the end, it was quite a success. quite happy with how our pollock imitation came out. =)

the OPSS art room.

parade square

next week is my last week of teaching..

Slack time!

♥ with love, meow

Thursday, February 14, 2008 ♥
Last posted@9:16 PM

Happy Valentines Day!

i have an imaginery valentine
his name is D _ _ i d
he's tall and lean and smart
and lives in jolly ol' london

i'm not a psycho

anyway. my real valentines are my students from 3B2, cos they're all horny on valentines day. XP nah..they're just a cute bunch of monkeys. NOSEY but cute. funny malay boys always hopping around in their seats, and one of them was like BATHING in my classroom. he was like standing over the sink WASHING HIS HAIR?!?!?! then he took out his shirt and was washing it, then hanging it on the window. like wth. so kampong. but i din scold him or say anythin, cos i was bored and it was entertaining.

"cher! u got receive valentine day card?"
"cher! can i buy u valentine day present?"
"cher! u going out with bf later ah?"
"cher! bf got give u things a not?"

like. why do they naturally assume that i have to be attached? i'm perfectly single, contented and happy. i'm attached to my dog. i love him and he loves me unconditionally. perfect match. =)

♥ with love, meow

Wednesday, February 13, 2008 ♥
Last posted@8:25 PM

leave me alone.

i really like two boys in my 1A1 class. Travis and Wei Xiang.

DAmN CuTe please...i just wanna like squeeze their faces. they still got the high squeaky voice and to me, they seriously just look like kindergarten kids la. omt. damn damn cute. it's hard to imagine that in just two year time, they'll be sec 3s, their voices would have broken ad they'd look somewhat like men..really hard to imagine.

so anyway. talked to mdm loy today, asked her how's the status of finding a new teacher. and she says that i might have to stay till the end of the term. it's not that bad i guess. mebe it's cause i feel slightly motivated by today's classes. and saying that i worked as a a RT one term sounds more complete than saying i worked fer a month and a half. so yea. mdm loy says YuTing(our 1st 3 months junior) looks like she's got promise and potential, only prob is that he can only work till april. so my hod is going to interview more ppl, even have one of em SIT IN FOR MY LESSONS ON TUESDAY!!!!!! of all the freakin days. but she did it on purpose cos she noes tuesdays are hell, so she wants the interviewee to sit in and see if she can handle it. *shrugs.

like flowers?

i took all these shots myself ok...am i pro? or am i pro. went to the sentosa flower show thing with my mum and her fwen. tested my photography skills a bit. i ain't bad fer someone with no training. =) i'm gonna compile all my shots and make it into a calendar.

♥ with love, meow

Tuesday, February 12, 2008 ♥
Last posted@8:59 PM

there had been a naggin annoyance in my gut all weekend. i'd been dreading every moment that drew closer to monday. i took this as an obvious sign. that it was time to retire..

Met up with RaNdOm in the afternoon! as usual, i was one of the earlier ones. i was the earliest this time. so i hung around db station waiting fer the rest of the LATECOMERS (ZINC! that means YOU!) sook came a lil later and we both sat like squatters against the wall.

anyway. we shopped round Plaza sing fer Serene's present. being the last minute ppl we are..ended up buying her this stupid monkey thing with super long arms...cos it was very good fer "pi-piaking" ppl, so we thought it PERFECT fer her since she whole day "pi-piak" ppl herself. ate at swensens then rotted some more in PS before we got too extremely bored and headed to vivocity, which was also just as boring. we did manage to settle down at the outdoor roof area at vivo though, the place overlookin the harbour and sentosa there. super atmospheric. =) sat around and talked rubbish as usual, as if anything we talk bout is really intellectual.. 0.o

zinc's bday msg to serene

zinc is incredibly unglam

ok. see the 5 of us in the middle? if we look a little detached from each other it's because we were too lazy to find someone to take the picture fer us. so we took each of ourselves individually, and i photoshopped us altogether! lame hor.

♥ with love, meow

Monday, February 11, 2008 ♥
Last posted@1:19 PM


Hey Guys! Sara, Jan, Shang, xm and ky! Thanks you so much for the posts and concerns and thoughts. i truely appreciate it from the bottom of my stupid fat heart. but it's not about determination or perseverance or whatever la. i just dun think that teaching is the right path fer me. i mean, we all know that practicing art and teaching it are two super different things la. and being me, with my sucky public speaking and low self esteem, just dun think it's a good path fer me. i lack the passion for it and that way, it's also very unfair towards the students. i so wanna do well in my job, but i find it incredibly difficult to do so. so i handed in my resignation this morning to my HOD ler. and she was very understanding bout it. but i'm still gonna stay on till they find a new art teacher. i think it's good that i had the opportunity to try it out la. so now i noe that i gotta start thinking bout what else i can do with my life.

so funny cos my HOD told me that ms lye said that "this girl can chi ku (tolerate hardship)". haish. i'm sorry i have let ms lye down. and for that i feel very disgusting and horrible. i guess i can 'chi ku' in AEP cos i love and enjoy it so much..

Well, thanks guys once again. and hope to be seeing u all very soon. there are rumours that results are comin out either this week or next week. also got another rumour that it's comin out in march. so duno what to believe. but whenever it is, i'll be seein u soon. =)

love u guys. <3

♥ with love, meow

Saturday, February 9, 2008 ♥
Last posted@10:28 PM

to quit.

i'm done with teaching
say i got no perseverence or whatever
i'm done

it's not for me for sure
so there it goes
my scholarship, goldsmith, london(sobz)
out the window

all my dreams down the drain
to study fine arts overseas
forget it
it's never gonna happen
no scholarship
no plane ticket
plain and simple
it's screwed up

stuck in singapore
for the rest of my life

thanks to my lack of career aspiration

♥ with love, meow

Friday, February 8, 2008 ♥
Last posted@9:33 AM

Happy Chinese New Year
do u feel like a rat?


went to OPSS in the morning for chinese new year celebration (secondary school style), with the 'SUPER LAME' MCs, the performance by drama club bout the roots of chinese new year, plus other performances by the cca groups. thought i would relive my secondary school days by attending, but i realise i much prefer the celebrations at NY. cos i'm biased. i miss NY so much. stupid juniors, still get to be happy over there. jealous.

anyway, finally got down to takin pictures with the other relief teachers. they're kinda camera shy. meanwhile, i find myself unable to really connect with my students in comparison with the others. it's either my problem or the subjects' problem. ppl say i shouldn't put myself down every time i feel demoralised. cos especialy in sec 1 and sec 2, students just dun take art seriously, thus they dun take the art teacher seriously as well. cos..art just isn't like science, or history or english. it's basically..just. art.

me and victoria

burly Beryl

after OPSS i then skipped over the AMK hub to meet shangyi. was supposed to go back to NY but we were scared that by the time we got there everybody would have left, even though that wasn't really the case. but no matter. we ate there fer a while before xm came to meet us, then the others - KY, Cheng, Xinli, Zijia and YY(seniors), met us a lil while later. hung around fer quite a while. from 1130 till like 1530. chatted and sat around, with lotsa long awkward silences cos we were all so tired. shang souldn't stand it. =) but i like silence. lol. so i had fun.


Ang Bao collection day! started off at 10 to all our usual stops. bla bla bla. lunched at my ah ma's house as usual. me and my brothers' frantic rush to eat first before my uncle and clan came. i dun wanna bitch about it. cos they are still family no matter what screwed up crap is going on. it's not really anbody's fault that there's a serious 'class' or 'status gap' between us..shan't say more.

continued to the rest of our stops before going back to ah ma's house fer dinner. i brought buddy along to run in the big field. when we got there there were some visitors there, my 'cousin' (i think), gabriel, a small little boy dressed in pink! haha. damn cute. plus he had the most pretty eyes la..fer a guy. =) shan't gush bout the cuteness of small boys. it's weird. but anyway..i let him play and run around with buddie a bit. so cute. =) ate and gambled. =) i lost 3 dollars.

beware. not even family are spared.

♥ with love, meow

Monday, February 4, 2008 ♥
Last posted@9:23 PM

i'm a bitch.
so sue me.

Daddy sold our car in exchange for two smaller cars. We had a nice big toyota picnic but dad says that it would be more economical to change it fer two honda Jazzs. plus, there would be less fighting fer cars now. since we would have 3 to go around. the black one arrived first so we went down to the Honda warehouse to get it. the guy then drove away our picnic. =( will miss the ol' thing. the other light blue jazz should come in April. =) meanwhile, if i ever learn to drive, i'd probably stick to driving the lil' pink taxi (as mrs ng calls it)

and i'll call him "Jazzy"

♥ with love, meow

Sunday, February 3, 2008 ♥
Last posted@5:21 PM

rain rain come again
go away another day


my slack day had arrived with only one class of 2 periods in the mornin with the restless 1b2. i must admit i got a little annoyed with the class that day. they got the bad habit of doing things in slow motion and only after repeated coaxing they get down to doing some form of work(whether the work is slip shot or not is another story). as usual, they have proplems with keeping their mouths shut as well. it's not that i expect total silence when they are doing work..just not screaming and laughin and chatterin at the top of their freakin lungs like i'm not even in the room. rudeness beyond hell. the hod had to come over several times to threaten them with masking tape over their mouths, and at the end, a long lecture fer them all.

might i even quote one boy in the class who referred to the hod as a ''stupid old bitch" after she had scolded them! i was shocked beyond words. and i was right next to him! i mean. HEY! he lacks even the most primitive forms of consideration and respect. i was shocked beyond means. when i retorted he just said:

"but teacher, bitch is not a vulgarity, it's a female dog"

i'm sorry if i have lost my sense of humour JOSHUA. but u are in desperate need of a rude awakening.

friday was also cca day and i had agreed to help out with the painting module fer art club. little did i noe that 'help out' meant running it and also comin up with a 30 week plan fer all the painting activities. thank god i have beryl to help me out. and honestly, looking at her, she'd make a far better art teacher than i. i lack the self confidence and creative thinking.

the first activity was still life drawing of still life objects. boring activity. could tell the students were like yawning in their heads. so me and beryl decided that still life activities should be kept to a minimal and came up with more excitin stuff! like pollock painting! and shoe painting!

caught a glimpse of drama a school after cca. there were police officers and paramedics with a irst aid chair and ambulance and everything parked outside the girls toilet on the ground floor.

student: ''ms kwok! why got all these ppl with the chair there??''
ms kwok: " they are waiting for u..when i throw over this ledge.."
student: " ee yer ms kwok, then they are also waiting fer u, when i pull u down with me."

but really. dunno what was goin on. heard it's some attempted suicide thing. either that or she is threatening to cut herself or somethin. shall find out more on monday.

after that i flew down to changi airport to dine with sara and janice at fish and co. terminal 2. had great fun as usual. as i always do when i am with them. we always laugh like maniacs. mostly because sara has such a contagious laugh. then we went to find po at terminal 3 before realising that i had misplaced my phone in the T2 toilet. strangely, sara and janice were more worried bout MY phone tha myself. so they went back to look fer it while i went to search for Po who had told us the WRONG directions!!! so we walked up and down T3 like 10 times before finally gettin to see her at the basement. geez..waz nice to see po again. =)

met up with esther and claudyne and cineleisure to have lunch and to watch Sweeney Todd. ate at the tepanyaki place on level 5 which was totally empty hald the time we were there. looked like we had booked the place fer ourselves. and felt a bit like we were on display. no matter. lunch was good.

sweeney todd was an interestin movie. no doubt it would fall victim to mixed reviews. cos, well, not everybody would like that sorta film, or have the stomach fer it. WARNING! it's an extremely gruesome show. if u can't take the blood. don't watch it. or u'll just die. seriously. but overall, it was enjoyable. the music was quite good. some songs were really nice. plus johnny depp has an awesome singing voice!!! sexay...*swoon. some of the lyrics also super catchy.

there's a hole in the world like a great black pit
and its filled with people who are filled with SHIT
and the vermin of the world inhabit it

♥ with love, meow

the person.



NUS FASS freshy
turning 20 this 12th July


desperately seeking


maybe in some other time
some other place


though we travel the world over the find the beautiful
we must carry it with us or we find it not

the sky.


a perfect paradox of constancy and change
always there but never the same

i love.

buddie baby
precious friends


i must down to the seas again
to the lonely sea and sky
and all i ask
is a tall ship and star
to steer her by

talk to me.

i carry your heart.

e.e. cummings

i carry your heart with me
i carry it in my heart
i am never without it
anywhere i go you go,
my dear;
and whatever is done
by only me
is your doing,
my darling

i fear no fate
for you are my fate,
my sweet
i want no world
for beautiful you are my world,
my true
and it's you are
whatever a moon
has always meant
and whatever a sun
will always sing
is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
here is the root of the root
and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky
of a tree called life;
which grows higher
than the soul can hope
or mind can hide
and this is the wonder
that's keeping the stars apart.

i carry your heart
i carry it in my heart


cheng hong
inn poh
kai ying
seow ling
sook chan
tze yin
xian min

aep blog


there is love

Love is patient,
love is kind.
It does not envy,
it does not boast,
it is not proud.

It is not rude,
it is not self-seeking,
it is not easily angered,
it keeps no record of wrongs.

Love does not delight in evil
but rejoices with the truth.

It always protects,
always trusts,
always hopes,
always perseveres.

love never fails

Corinthians 1:4-7

the history.
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
May 2009
June 2009

Template (sweetpulchritude-)
Idea (`vanessa_)
Design (LGM