Wednesday, April 30, 2008 ♥
Last posted@10:09 PM mail has been very active recently.been receiving lotsa mail from all the unis.lotsa exciting stuff.good news mostly. =)so far,i've been accepted into:
- Goldsmiths College (UOL) - Fine Arts (LIKE OMG!! YAY!!)
- NUS - Arts and Social Science
- NTU - Psychology
ok. actually it's not 'so far', cos that's all i applied for. but yea. i hope i can go goldsmiths anyway. i just need the scholarship.
and CONGRATS to everybody who have gotten into their chosen courses!
♥ with love, meow
Tuesday, April 29, 2008 ♥
Last posted@9:26 PM
well..once again i think the interview went bust
felt like such an idiot in there
shall i go on another blog strike?
i've not been updating much anyway..
no just kiddin
if i'm lucky which i hope i am
i wun noe anything till maybe june
and i noe i can't resist blogging till then
♥ with love, meow
Monday, April 28, 2008 ♥
Last posted@9:07 PM
once again
i find myself stricken with 'day b4 nerves'
Pray for my successful deliverance
♥ with love, meow
Thursday, April 24, 2008 ♥
Last posted@10:16 PM
omg. i've not been this ecstatically happy in a real long time!!!
Blog strike is over!
because i got news from Goldsmiths!
They're so adorably efficient.
as you can probably guess by my tone..
all i can possibly say is.
Thank you Lord..
and whatever happens now..
whatever happens with MOE..
i noe ur guiding hand will be leading me through.
whether i get it or not..
i guess you noe what's best fer me.
cos i sure as hell don't.
♥ with love, meow
Tuesday, April 22, 2008 ♥
Last posted@7:29 PM
hi everybody!
i'm going on a blog strike.
till i know if i got into Goldsmiths or not.
so please please pray for me.
cos i got that sick feeling
that my interview was shittier than shit.
♥ with love, meow
Monday, April 21, 2008 ♥
Last posted@9:37 PM
The next 2 tuesdays...
will determine my future...
and my life.
Whatever happens tomoroe evening at 1930, and next tuesday afternoon..Life will never be the same. If both go good, my life will change dramatically for the better. But if either one goes bad, or god help me, both go bad, i will surely go into the depths of depression and kill myself. Unfortunately, it's too late to tell me:
"Cat..dun expect too much, cos if things dun work out, u'd be devastated. If u dun expect anything, and u do get it, u'd just be pleasantly surprised!"
Oh fer Goodness sake. dun tell me this lo.. it's one thing to preach it, another to practice it. If u noe that something so totally awesome is just within ur grasp, how can you NOT think about it, dream about it, pin all your hopes on it. so it's really too late to tell me this, cos, i've already put all my aspirations and dreams on the outcome of the activities of tomorow and the tuesday to follow. you want to help me..just pray fer me..fervently.
There are several reasons why i desperately need to get out of Singapore fer a few years...and i noe..i just noe..that going what i NEED. it's a NEED..a desperate NEED..
♥ with love, meow
Sunday, April 20, 2008 ♥
Last posted@2:46 PM
like a rising fountain...
Had college day ceremony at NYJC where i was invited back to collect my awards. met shang at 1230 at LT4 fer some useless briefing by CHeeKo. Shang also got award to collect. =) but i guess in the end there was really no need to even go cos we could actually collect our cert and money and stuff another day. attending ceremony was just a formality..a chance to show ur face, gain some minute recognition, shake some person's hand and smile in front of a sea of students and teachers of whom the majority really dun care 2 hoots bout who u are. no matter. the point is, i got to relive my small glory just fer a moment longer, got to take picture with mr nandwani, & just pretty much feel darn good bout myself fer a second. It also helped that a bunch of the new aep J1s were doing duty outside the hall - and they wooted and clapped fer me when i came off stage both times. =)

In the evening, i went to shang's house to have bbq, to be extra amidst her office friends, relatives and parent's friends. went to be emo a few times, walking around the estate and sitting by myself on the swing. lol. i bet ppl must have tot i was some ghost..all alone with my kind of crazy hair, gliding slowly, and on top of that, wearing RED. i guess i'm not good with crowds, i dun fit with big numbers of ppl, cos i somehow always get overlooked in such situations. that's just cos i dun talk much. nobody's fault but my own really. =) but in the end, i had a nice time. thanks shang. next time we'll have one with a bunch of ppl we all noe. =)
♥ with love, meow
Thursday, April 17, 2008 ♥
Last posted@9:42 PM
welcome home jen pen
yesterday once again i was pretty much alone fer art club, except for my merlion fwen..if not fer her, i'd be damn stagnant. and i duno why aep geeks just refuse to leave the art room..they must love it there. i had to lock up last night, and set an appointment with jen pen at 1830. and where was i at 1830? moping around the mac lab waiting fer ppl to leave. haish. then finally, when everybody left, i hung around to watch marcus do pull ups. HAHA. just fer a while. sorry jen. so ended up super duper late. nvm. she entertained herself watchin HORNY grey's anatomy episodes on her brand new iPod.
today was quite stagnant, but ms hew was around so not too bad..cheng abandoned us at lunch..pleh. then had tutorial with the J1s where i got stumped a lot of times..i seriously had to squeeze my brains to find something to say. all came out shit anyway. o well..shall brainstorm again..
then met with interesting situation after tutorial..discussed in teachers room..tomorrow got follow up. (you all duno what i'm talking bout rite! good!)
♥ with love, meow
Wednesday, April 16, 2008 ♥
Last posted@9:49 PM
another tiny step closer...
i've been checking my email like every 2 hours for some kind of reply from goldsmiths like they promised. and every time, i'm disappointed!
i got an email from a Mr Juan Cruz, a senior lecturer from the art department at goldsmiths who wants to interview me via phone on the 22nd of April, that's tuesday at 1930 Singapore time, which is 1130 London time. OMG! OMG! OMG! i'm excited and totally petrified all at the same time.
pray for me my dear dear people. please please pray for me...
♥ with love, meow
Tuesday, April 15, 2008 ♥
Last posted@11:36 PM
You Are a Jigsaw Puzzle

You are a complex person, although at first glance you seem quite simple.
Your personality is comprised of many interesting and distinct pieces.
You are captivating and often visually interesting. You can be seen from many angles.
went to school..think ms hew wasn't having a very good day. i feel incompetent. J1s had critique..was worried fer my tutees but think they did good. =)
after school met shang, seow, and hanny at J8 to watch a movie - 'definitely, maybe'. quite nice, lotsa twists and turns. just another chick flick though. momentum was a bit slow to pick up. or maybe it was just my mood... after that went to have desert at haagan daaz..slurp. =) love hangin out with them. <3
♥ with love, meow
Monday, April 14, 2008 ♥
Last posted@8:24 PM
today was a very sian day at work. both ms hew and mr lau din come in at all. they had course. so i was all alone in the art room all day. if not fer seow ling comin to pei me, i would've seriously been totally antisocial and bored to death.
and ppl keep complaining that i'm overpaid. i wun deny it..but seriously, what u want me to do bout it, i could think bout ppl's coursework all day..but like, it'll still be just working in the form of 'thoughts', and it'd still look like i'm slackin all day..haish.
♥ with love, meow
Sunday, April 13, 2008 ♥
Last posted@9:32 PM
gor is back from Backpacking in Europe
wa. he's been gone for 3.5 weeks already. time sure flies. he brought back more than presents..he also brought back a strong stink. cos he hasn't been bathin properly, and didn't wash his clothes the whole time!! like wth..yea..he really stank. i had to spray the laundry basket area with deoderant cos it smelt so bad. BUT..none the less, glad that he's back ..with my INJURED camera..can't trust him to bring anything back in one piece.
His last stop was LONDON!!!! b4 he headed home..omt...LOnDoN! the more he talk bout it the more i wanna go. anyway, he brought back a super nice poster from Barcelona fer me:

it shows this super famous street in Barcelona which is known fer its buskers..haha. i shall have it framed tomoro..i really love it a lot..if i go to london, it's definitely coming with me..for inspiration. =)
♥ with love, meow
Saturday, April 12, 2008 ♥
Last posted@1:11 PM
on being accepted to GOLDSMITHS COLLEGE!!!
you noe it's funny.
i mean won't it be funny..
cos i'm the one who wanted to go london in the first place.
and i was all ready to go alone.
so won't it be damn funny..
if i'm the one who ends up not going in the end.
what a cruel twist of fate that would be.

it would be funny.
in an unfunny way.
but i'm so happy fer u shangki! <3<3
♥ with love, meow
Thursday, April 10, 2008 ♥
Last posted@1:39 PM
it's raining again..
i have seriously violent thoughts these few days.
dun be surprised if u end up dead by my hand.
anyway. i received an email from goldsmiths college, london just yesterday. and omg. i was so damn excited when i saw it and even more excited when i read it. the email was like singing a lot of praise and they were asking me if i wanted to take an additional extension year (like a foundation course). which means i would spend 4 years in london rather than just 3.
so it really sounded like they wanted to accept me already. but like i'm not sure if they send this mail to everybody? or if it's really just meant fer me? and if it is, i dun think it's a formal acceptance yet.
they said stuff like:
"We were impressed by your portfolio and level of achievement for your age and stage of artistic development. We also can see that you have made a very specific choice for the Joint Degree which is always a good thing! "
"We would certainly be pleased to have you on the BA Fine Art and History of Art after you have done and passed 1 more year as we see a good deal of potential in your portfolio.
see..doesn't it sound good? haish. shall see how this progresses..
anyway, on a less high note, shang and huay han got caled by MOE fer interview. and i didn't. (not yet?) i was trying to figure out all night why i din get called yet and i think i've got a valid reason..dun feel like elaborating. but shall hope fer a call soon. cos what's the point of getting into godsmiths if i can't pay fer it. haish. ok!
finally things are moving!
♥ with love, meow
Tuesday, April 8, 2008 ♥
Last posted@9:49 PM
if u guys are wondering what the hell i'm talking about in the first sentence of my previous entry...then GOOD! cos it's meant fer me and only me to understand, and well, fer those who i told to understand as well. so dunt fret. i've not lost the ability to string words together to form a comprehensive sentence. here's another one fer u to be confused by..
abscond me unaccompanied! bleeding, wretched, twisted, off-colour defacation slice
food fer thought - why does crying almost always makes me feel better. i just feel so shitty and horrible the whole day. it's like a giant burden that i'd just be loadin around all day, i want to cry but can't. then i just need that trigger, which yesterday just so happened to be janice's voice. then after crying, it's like, every trouble, every sore feeling, every anger and sadness went away with my tears. it's strange. almost like the tears contain all those horrible emotions in them. hm..good thought i think. can use fer art work. very metaphorical.
.here's a random picture fer u to admire.
.yes that is a painting and yes that is my head.
♥ with love, meow
Monday, April 7, 2008 ♥
Last posted@6:59 PM
copulating behind-cavities unearth a technique to rile and repulse..
i just needed to cry..
thanks janice.
love ya.
♥ with love, meow
Saturday, April 5, 2008 ♥
Last posted@4:00 PM
wa liew. moe's psychometric test is super hard combine the type of idiotic questions they askplus the crazy time frame they give u to completeit's super super hard.literally gotta like answer one question per minute if u wanna complete it in time la.and god knows.only genius nuts can do that..but anyway i feel so sad.cos i didn't finish a lot of questions.especially the stupid math part.the stupid pattern part also.wa liew.i'm pissed...shit shit shit shit shit.
♥ with love, meow
Thursday, April 3, 2008 ♥
Last posted@8:49 PM
UCAS letter arrived
♥ with love, meow
Tuesday, April 1, 2008 ♥
Last posted@9:29 PM
possibilities are exciting!!!
i got some news yesterday..
and i feel so blessed and glad.
i feel contented and satisfied.
i feel like finally..
i'm not just..

i wonder if god has it all planned.
i wonder..
if i'll actually have..
all that i've dreamed of.
i wonder..
of all the possiblities..
♥ with love, meow