Monday, July 28, 2008 ♥
Last posted@3:32 PM
there are a lot a lot alotta NYJCians in NUS FASS
what are all of them doing there? i mean, like some i'm really glad to see, like mel, kaixian, certain other familiar faces. but there are when i left NYJC, i was glad to kinda be rid of what the hell are they all doing there?!?!?! matter..
went for registration and matriculation today..lotsa ppl, who kept throwing stuff at us..brochures, bags, what have you..was holdin on to so many things till i dropped all my coins on the floor..tsk tsk tsk. pai seh man...lucky got ppl help me pick..if not i'll feel like some beggar down there. there were all the CCA booths set up also..and me and sook chan tried our hardest to zoom through the whole thing...who knew that the pathway was soo soo soo twas inevitable that we got swarmed..except at all the sports booths...cos OBVIOUSLY, we dun look like the sporty type ppl (is that a good or bad thing?) i did sign up fer a few stuffs namely all the art and christian related ones.. yay. =)
after that sat down at the staircase to wait fer serene and tze..did some ppl watching. all i can say is that FASS is FULL of girls. which is probably why my brother thinks it's so 'happening'..
i miss seow ling and shangyi..haven't seen em in a long long time..that was random. ok. bye.
♥ with love, meow
Friday, July 25, 2008 ♥
Last posted@11:45 AM
' n o ' 'nothing'
that's a double negative
no photos
no interests
no events
no emotions
no words
no nothing
how contradictory
i lie
there are lots of emotions
minimal events worth talking about
SYF opening ceremony was lame..award winners were asked to report at 1345 when the actual thing started only at 5. and what did we do in between? had one stupid rehearsal which really consisted of lining up, standing, walking, hearing your name, climbing stairs, shaking a hand, touching a piece of paper and bowing. so i suppose by everybody's BriLLiAnT calculation, all the 'work' would take..oh i duno..3 hours?!?!?! well it didn't, so what else did we do to fill the beautiful time, oh yea! SITTING! and oh, did i mention the lack of chairs in the waiting room(which was microscopic btw). so it was 100 ppl sitting in their fine garb on the wonderful prestigious...
the exhibition part was ok though, only because all 3 teachers were there and reunited again..i 4got how nice it was when they're all together..they were all running around, crappin and taking funny photographs. =) i also managed to clinch the title of 'bambi' for some reason..something to do with how i hop around..was also called a 'lost deer' at some point..mrs ng sure lives up to her reputation as an expert nickname allocator. made a new friend(or aquintance) of the MOE scholars going to goldsmiths..felt a tinge of envy..but could tell she was a very nice person, and i liked her a lot based on first impression..told her i would visit them in london next year. she appeared thrilled. also caught up with ms yeo, my sec 3 art teacher..told her bout my recent woes, and she sounded the most sympathetic out of anybody i've ever told. when i told her i wouldn't even be studyin art, she said all the hairs on her back was standing..she said that i should have just appealed and appealed..she sounded real upset bout it. haish. well..i'm so grateful to finally have someone who can sorta share almost the same kind of disappointment for me..i really needed that support..thanks miss yeo..
left the exhibition with my parents feeling like there was a huge hole somewhere in my soul..wasn't exactly sure what that was all about..but i'm over it now..
♥ with love, meow
Sunday, July 20, 2008 ♥
Last posted@10:24 PM
Oh to be bored and lonely..
i can't really remember what i've been doing the whole past week..except that there's been serious and i mean SERIOUS slacking, and facebooking. yes, my facebook is finally alive, after being terribly stagnant for like half a year. wheee..
oh yes! lucky i keep a schedule so i can remember what i've done..i went for Med checkup at NUS on monday morning. my bro drove me there, since he was going fer Varsity Christian camp. i was like one of the first ppl there, 3rd to be everything moved along very quickly, doctors were still in a pleasant mood. first was eye test which i must have passed with flying colours..then i had to pee in a cup (and on my eww)..then blood pressure before having to get molested by a doctor (female one of course), and then x-ray(where u DO have to remove ur bra btw..icky) yes...but overall, it was not all that bad..and i'm starting to really embrace my fate of studying in's gonna be fun. My brothers are all really nearby, engineering and business are like right next to happening!
ok, after med checkup, tze and sook chan appeared at my front door with the motive of using my internet for free..then we went to NY, to collect SGC, then made our way to Sentosa to sit the sky ride and LuGe!!! me and sook chan ended up not sitting the luge, just the sky ride, because we both had serious phobias of banging into we just took the sky ride. =) it was fun, screamed most of the way and could barely move, but yea, twas really fun.

then it's off to the beach for camwhoring!!!

went to watch 'the dark knight' with shangyi and seow ling! okk..I LOVEEEEE the new batmans..the ones with christian bale as batman..because they're so much more realistic ('socio-realistic' - as quoted from andre), unlike previous few which were all quite...cheesy? yea..i love the whole moody feel the entire film kinda's dark, and the joker is really...COOL (though at times chillingly creepy and violent) and the gadgets and stuff are even better! how the motorcycle like detatches itself from the batmobile..AWESOME!!! hehehe! and the fight scenes are so nice to watch cool how batman fights without using's like wham wham wham..HEHE. batman is hot.. =)

ate lunch at sakae sushi, and started some porno photoshoot in the middle of the restauraunt..IT WAS SEOW LING'S IDEA! i feel embarrassed to put the following photos up...but for fun's sake..DON'T JUDGE!!! our lips aren't touching AT ALL!!!

we also went to esplanade jendala to check out the UOB painting of the year winners! heard that the judging was a lot more strict this year..probably why NY din win any..and a lot of the winning entries for youth category looked very similar in terms of style lor. apparently the judges like that kind of photoshopped blocky colour effect..if u asked me..the winning entries needed more diversity...DOTX..hehe. o wellx.

ok the end.
♥ with love, meow
Wednesday, July 16, 2008 ♥
Last posted@9:54 PM
i predict that my blog will soon be very stagnant.
this is because i finally started up my facebook, so i'm spending most of my time and effort there..with uploading pictures and all. cause uploading pics takes a long time, and it's i really can't be bothered to upload the same stuff in two places. but i will try my keep the blog aliveeeee...
so's been a great past days now that i've stopped workin and all, had time to meet up with friends..which is especially useful since it was my birthday weekend. =) so i recieved several little celebrations which i'm so thankful for. i feel so blessed and happy to have fwens who even bother to organise lil things, get presents..hehehex..THANK YOU ALL ONCE AGAIN.
so these are my bday gifts fer this year:

sara and jan - montage, homemade necklace & cookies!
mum and dad - cat t-shirts and make-up! lol.

from belize - homemade book and pouch containing coconut sweets!

from esther - art box book and post its!

from random gang - island shop bag!
from shang and seow - instant camera! (they actually remembered me talking bout how i liked the effect..and they got it for touched..)

jingwen - cat pendant!
and of course, the best gift of all, was to have all those ppl around celebrating with me..SOBxx..thank you.
ANYWAY, on my 5th official slacker day, i brought buddie baby to bishan park to meet up with shang and seow fer a while..supposedly to skate, but when i got there, they were all done just walked around..let shang stare at buddie and get all excited and swoon over him, while allowing seow to warm up to breathing and yes..FLESHY animals. they DO have flesh under their fur u the end she actually was good enough to hold his leash and run with him! wow! *applause**

ate lunch then they came home to my place where we slacked around..because the recliners in my house are so useful. watched tv and played xbox the whole afternoon, almost fell asleep at one point..then were screaming and shouting at the funny. after that went to each dinner at chomp chomp, a very unhealthy dinner, before going to the park to swing and 'watch porno display'...if u noe what i mean..=)
and that's how i spent the 5th day of occuptation - slackerism
♥ with love, meow
Monday, July 14, 2008 ♥
Last posted@11:33 PM
another Birthday season is over.
i'm 19 going on 20 now.
the teen years are almost over.
i would like to thank everyone who remembered and wished me a happy birthday before, on, and after.
Joan, Jing Wen, Belize, Sher Ling, Seow Ling, Inn Poh, Tze Yin, Xinli, Claudyne, Esther, Janice, Huay Han, Sook Chan, Andre, Shangyi, Zongxia, Pauline, Sara, Mindy, Fengji, Minwei.
Thank you so much.
For the gifts, the outings and just your presence, Thank you even more..
you guys are priceless in my life.
thank you.
♥ with love, meow
Saturday, July 12, 2008 ♥
Last posted@11:12 PM
i'm 19 today!
first thing i did on my bday? send my friend off at the airport. so sad right..i almost didn't make it in time to see her one last time b4 she disappears for ONE WHOLE YEAR!!! she waited fer me, gave her a big hug and a sayonara card, and then, she was gone. moped slowly back to T2 where i saw esther...who didn't make it in time to see her..haish. DAMN SAD kept each other company fer breakfast to keep our minds from wandering and feeling sad..bye claudyne..will so so so miss you..come back soon.
then my parents brought me fer bday lunch at thai restauraunt. ate sharks fin soup, a big bowl to myself. haish..and yes, i do feel kinda bad..eating sharks and all..argh. but it was yummy. came home and cut my cake and opened my present. =) my 2 brothers were NOT around fer the celebration..AREN"T I LUCKY TO HAVE SUCH BROTHERS..rarara.

birthday durian!!!
then in the evenin went to meet jan and sara at AMK hub fer dinner. they were 30 minutes later (with a good reason i guess)..left me hanging around all lonely..worse cos i 4got to bring my ipod. then still make me go line up at fish and co. by myself. i seriously hate to wait, so can imagine how annoyed i was the whole time. but no matter, that all disappeared when they finally appeared. we ate, they gave me presents. hehe..and they promised that they did not intend to embarras by getting the fish and co ppl to sing happy bday..(cos u all noe how enthu fish and co is about bdays). Then we cam whored...shopped a lil and went home. so here i am. =) happy and content.

♥ with love, meow
Friday, July 11, 2008 ♥
Last posted@11:24 PM
i'm free
i'm free
i'm free
twas my last day at NY today. not that much more eventful than yesterday. was still pretty bored, though had a surprise visit from seehua! "hey seehua! long time no see." went to collect my beautifully packaged SGC while ms lye complained how come we got such a nice package, while in her day it was just flimsy sheets of paper..hmm..ponder ponder ponder. helped ms hew type out answer scheme frantically..she finished like literally seconds b4 lecture started..NOW we KNOW what happens in the teachers room b4 ain't no walk in the park. slacked some more, ate chicken rice, played computer games, watched ms hew and ms lye prepare a practical joke, packed up all my crap in the teachers room and went home. haish..will miss the the teachers and students there, especially some of the J2s..but..i live so near, s can go back visit anytime really..
went to meet jing wen and belize in the evening for dinner at thai restauraunt. they gave me bday presents. awww...feel so happy. crapped around...they are still as crappy as ever, and it's almost like we were back in secondary school, just still feel so comfortable around them even after not seeing them fer so long! that's really have friends that u can just click so well with. =)

chickpoo is so retarded

belizee...BE the coconut

WEAR the coconut

after that we went shopping around orchard..bought a ton of stuff. spotted shangyi's beloved coveted shoes at pull and bear on SALE!!! so had to buy it fer her! so that, and i bought a new laptop bag, red with handles and an ipod holder too since my parents keep complainng bout the one i bought b4. yea..then went home. but it was so so so much fun hanging out with them. haish..can i keep em forever...<3>
♥ with love, meow