Tuesday, September 30, 2008 ♥
Last posted@11:06 AM
this is what is sitting at goldsmiths college:

yes my name is there.
but am i there?
as nice as it is to have somehow left my mark,
it's just damn sickening.
can u blame me for being miserable..
meanwhile, i am going to fail my midterms.
NM1101 and PL1101 yesterday.
Sucks Shit.
so eff-ing difficult.
NEGATIVE marking system some more!
my brother challenged me to get 95/100 fer psych,
and 55/70 fer newmedia.
sorry if i have a BAD attitude.
but there are only certain things that i'll be optimistic for.
and this isn't one of them.
i keep having dreams that ppl have offered me a way.
but i wake up.
and realise it never happened.
♥ with love, meow
Monday, September 29, 2008 ♥
Last posted@10:30 PM
fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail failfail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail failfail fail fail fail fail
fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail failfail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail failfail fail fail fail failfail fail fail fail failfail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail fail
♥ with love, meow
Sunday, September 28, 2008 ♥
Last posted@10:26 PM
oh man.
i really should be studying.
just finished watching the Singapore Grand Prix. at first, i was like wondering what all the fuss is about. u noe...lil cars zooming around..and i wonder why the hell ppl pay 300 plus bucks to have the car zoom pass u a few times. but omg..it's so cool. i LOOOoooVeeee the sound the car makes when it zips past the camera...Oooo..like..makes me all highhhh. i still think it's better to watch it at home though. then u'll know what's happening all the time, and u can see what's happening. annd omgosh i was totally rooting fer hamilton. cause he's hot. erm..yea...that's a pretty shallow reason..haha. but he must be good seeing that he's so famous and all..you can't blame me, i've never watched F1 before. Oh. plus, he's from UK, and has a really awesome looking vehicle thing (would it be offensive if i called it a 'car'?)
oh, and it was so sad what happened to massa..like wth was that la? some serious screw up la. there was the shot where he was just sitting there while the pit ppl were running towards him. i bet he must haven't been like cursing and swearing in there lor. took bloody long to pull that thing out too. from 1st to last. haish. damn sad.
ANYHOO. celebrated my brother's 21st bday today. no big party. we're not the party kinda family. just some small thing with some small cake..and some 'small' present - if u call a $5000 cheque 'small'.

my ah gong seems to like the cake..

so as per our family 'tradition', the children recieve a bible for our 21st bday (a nice one) - and a nice cheque apparently.
i then went on to do photoshoot of my beanie buddie baby boo boo. he's so photogenic. OK not really. he refused to look at the camera. so i just made him put his head on the floor - the way he does when he looks all emo (like his owner).

buddie is the cutest thing on 4 legs.
♥ with love, meow
Saturday, September 27, 2008 ♥
Last posted@12:23 AM
one week on..
so shang's been hanging out in london fer a week already. she's starting lessons next week and i can't wait to hear what her lessons are like. if i can't be there then she'll have ta be there fer the both of us. Shang says that goldsmiths really thought i was coming, and they had a pigeon hole fer me with my name and everything. and my name is on the attendance list and all. argh. that's so sweet of them la..too bad i'm not there. i told shang to take a picture...cos it sure would be interesting...that even though i'm not there, i've somehow left a trace of myself.
and janice and claudia have convinced me to have a nice serious sit down with my parents, if not, just my mum (cause she's easier to manipulate....jkin), about appealing to DBS fer a bursary or scholarship. and if i did not have a certain relative in there, writing in at all wouldn't be a problem, i'd just be another person at their mercy. but since i am related to someone in there, it makes the business all the more tricky...and it's reallly not that i wanna be a backdoor person..it's just...when u're desperate...u gotta whack at everything. so to proceed i would definitely have to see what my mum says..since it's her brother and all..and it concerns serious shoulder rubbing...can only hope that the conversation with the mum goes well.
today. i went out with belize and chicken. we seem to be going out a lot these days.. we watched MAMAMIA..WHICH IS SUPERLY AWESOME BY THE WAY!!!!! makes ppl wanna sing~~~lalala. i highly recommend..though there were some issues with old ppl making out and hairy beer bellied bodies which looked like a carpet had been rolled out on the chest. but other than that...really really really entertaining. =)
after that went to swensens for dinner, talked about ''StrAngE'' topics, and london culture and realising that the only thing that belize is interested in in every country is their bands and punk population. but no matter. by the end of dinner, i was already in a daze...thinking of london again, wishing i was there. sorry if i was a wet blanket guys. SHOULDN'T TALK TO ME BOUT LONDON...or ART. just makes me remember what i DON'T have.

drinks anyone?
and is johnny depp not the hottest guy in the world - not to mention the best actor in the world. *wink wink. yes yes..johnny depp..is what is keeping me from killing myself now. it's nice to have an imaginery, alternate reality to fall back on.

is it right to say "alternate reality"??? if it is 'alternate', then how can it be reality? so that phrase dun really make sense... it's just imagination. yes. it's nice to have IMAGINATION to fall back on, when reality is totally ****ed up.
OH! and JD is set to reprise in his role of Captain Jack Sparrow in Pirates 4! as well 2 other disney films - Lone Ranger and Tim burton's Alice in Wonderland as MAD HATTER. =)) there's also rumour that he'll be the riddler in the next batman...hiuk. that wuld be soooo interestin. <3
♥ with love, meow
Wednesday, September 24, 2008 ♥
Last posted@11:31 AM
to all i love but am separated from by time and space:same side of the moon - corrine mayI'm looking out the window
Where we sat to watch the stars
There's a chill within the air
It makes my heart long for your touch
You may be miles away
But as I kneel to pray
I see the same side of the moon
That we'll be looking on when the world turns blue
And know that time and space
can't come between me and you
We share the same side of the moon
And though you'll never see all my tears shine through
I know I can't be that far from you
If we're both looking on the same side of the moon.
I picture you across the oceans
In your corner of the world
I pray the wind will blow my voice
And gently whisper in your ear
Your night may be my day
And though the seasons change
It's still the same side of the moon
That we'll be looking on when the world turns blue
And know that time and space
can't come between me and you
We share the same side of the moon
And though you'll never see all my tears shine through
I know I can't be that far from you
If we're both looking on the same side of the moon
I know I can't be that far from you
If we're both looking on the same side of the moon
♥ with love, meow
Last posted@11:01 AM
go to the light seow ling!!!
there's an initial attraction between seow and light

she finds herself being strangely drawn to it
soon, she's consumed by it.
♥ with love, meow
Tuesday, September 23, 2008 ♥
Last posted@9:59 AM
thinking of my future makes me damn depressed.
LEE foundation said NO.
i really just needed a lil motivation.
but i guess GOD wun even give me that much.
losing faith..
in GOD
and in life.
so i'm lying in bed thinking of the reality of my life
and what it holds for me.
and it's 4 years studying shiite.
duno how many years working as shiite.
and MAYBE 2 years masters studying art therapy
so that's in the shiite-hole.
if not it's 2 years studying more shiite.
then more years working as shiite!
congrats cat.
your life is perfect.
ah well.
make the best of it ppl say.
*shoots myself in the head
*brains splatter on the floor
*but i'm still walking around
and a final quote from me private journal:
"i'll get by,
with the help of a little
and unhealthy doses of
♥ with love, meow
Friday, September 19, 2008 ♥
Last posted@11:53 PM
i feel very horrible.
it was so hard to say goodbye..
on so many different levels..
for so many different reasons.
i wonder why i was the only one who cried so badly.
if i had let myself, wouldv'e bawled.
but can't throw face like that.
in front of so many ppl.
can't make a scene..
and make shang feel bad.
but yea.
you're gone..
didn't get to hug yer b4 u went in..
din get to say 'take care', 'love you' and 'i'll miss you'.
take care shang. love u shang.
and i'll miss you so much.
i'll see you soon.

onward ^ study ^ mid terms ^
♥ with love, meow
Thursday, September 18, 2008 ♥
Last posted@5:10 PM
so..i've NOT been busy when i well should be.
Me, shang, seow and sara went to the Singapore Biennale on Sunday. we met fer lunch at the soup spoon - which i really don't understand what all the fuss is about. then, due to almost NON existent signage, we took bout a half hour to find our way to the first site of the biennale. 'City Hall Building' - which btw, refers to the old supreme court..
but b4 that, we were treated to this intrigueing piece on the facade of raffles city - (Fantasmas Phantoms), Montoya, Isaac :
when u look at it from behind a red screen, you see this.

when u look at it from behind a blue screen, you see this.

I'll only advertise a few pieces that i was particularly amazed by, so what u see here is certainly NOT exhaustive at all. so when we stepped into the 'city hall building', the first art work that we saw was this installation piece. ok. so i wasn't so impressed by this one, but, it was interesting in its way. the worms were cute and there was definitely a 'shock factor'. t'was also interesting the interaction between the beautiful colonial setting of the room (plus the 'majestic' red carpet) and the horde of gigantic wormies. oh the irony..

Maggots, 2004, Pham, Ngoc Duong
Next was a work by Singaporean Artist Jane Lee called Raw Canvas. firstly, it's HUGE. Secondly, it looks like a Pollock. Thirdly, it might be even better than a pollock. Fourth, you really wonder how many tubes of paint she used on it, and fifth, they must have been really huge tubes of paint. finally, like...WOW.

Then, me and sara found a work that shang and seow missed. a three channel video work called El naufragio de los hombre (the wreck of men), by Nijensohn, Charly. so basically, what u see when u look at it is 3 different videos - though they all show images with the same kind of theme and feel. they depict scenes of water and sky, sometimes you can't tell where one ends and the other begins. and there's always the silhouette or silhouettes of men, who are just standing very still on the water. the work was captivating and haunting..

Onward! the very pretty FLOWER work! we walked and it's an immediate WOW. ppl instinctively get on their knees on the floor to get a photograph of it. so fun ta watch them. and something which we din notice until later was that one side the flowers all black, but the other side was all in colour! haha..the fun was in the watching the black and white turn to colour as u walked from one side of the artwork to the other. definitely one of my favourite works - Blackfield, Ben-David, Zadok.

The next one i really liked was this 3D painting/sculpture. What's so great bout this one is the technicality. as in..OMG. i dunt even noe how to describe how impressed i was by this one. like..it looks damn 3D when u look at from a certain angle..and u'd expect the 3D figures to be popping OUT right?!?! but they weren't, they were cut IN!!! yet they looked like they were poppin OUT! omt..must have stared at it fer a long long time..and felt so miserable because i know that i would never have thought of such a thing in my life..
see! pooping OUT rite???
but WAIT!!! not really! it has been cut IN!!! WOW!
Ok, then it was off to south beach development. which once again, because of disgustingly absent signage, we got a little lost..walked one whole big round around the whole place before we found the entrance... by the time we reached the place, we were hot, sweaty and dead beat. so really had hard time appreciating the works there..NO AIRCON man..stuffy shit..and the place looks damn haunted. we din even finish walking the place. but while we were there, caught this interesting photograph. how befitting. =)
so. Biennale was quite fun overall. though i think that it couldv'e been better. Biennale 06 had more gimmicks. and to kids like us...u noe...WE WANT THE BADGES AND THE SOUVENIRS!!! we also want aircon..(haha. ok that's not a good reason) But Yea. i think that it was very encouraging to see so many great works by so many artists..especially Singaporean artists. makes us art geeks feel..that we might not end up being poor struggling artists after all. so that's that.
♥ with love, meow
Saturday, September 13, 2008 ♥
Last posted@3:48 PM
so it's cakes and sour mail now?
today i tried to make strawberry shortcake. and overall it was quite a success. though i think there was a problem with the cream..supposed to get double cream, but mum could only find 'cream', so mebe that's why the cream wasn't sweet at all. felt like i was eating super super super low fat cake. but it actually still tasted pretty ok! BUT, dun think i'll be making that again anytime soon. i'll try something else. and yes, always trust an artist to make something look nice even if it doesn't taste good. =)

THEN, some stupid mail arrived which soured everything up. totally spoilt my cake making mood, as well as dampened my whole biennale excitement.
(btw..is it pronouned 'BY-ennale' or 'BEE-ennale?)
ya. the mail was from Shaw foundation. they must be really stingy or running low on funds or something. anyway...haha..i AM just being a sore loser. and i was really quite upset fer a moment there. but i think..i shouldn't be too upset. whether i get there or not..at least i'd know that i exhausted all options. just feel bad fer my portfolio cd..being thrown into the trash..wasted. with my luck, i'll probably get another bitter letter by next week. but anywayx, learning to accept failure gracefully.
looking forward to BIENNALE tomorrow!!!
oh and here are some other random photos:
me and my baby buddie booboo bean bean..
that's zinc dozing during south asia lecture.
i captured it with my webcam
tsk tsk tsk.
terrible woman.
♥ with love, meow
Thursday, September 11, 2008 ♥
Last posted@12:58 PM
i'm deaf in my left ear.
went swimming yesterday at toa payoh with zinc.
then i guess water got into my ear.
and it's been sitting there ever since.
it hurts now.
and all the sounds around me seem to be muted.
mebe it's not water.
and i really am deaf in one ear.
that ought to be interesting.
the pool at toa payoh is sooooo dirty.
u look from one end to the other...
and u can't see the other side.
cos it's so 'misty' and 'cloudy'.
that means it's just damn dirty.
CLEAN pool allows u to see the other end crystal clear.
oh man.
then zinc said she heard someone spitting into the pool!
omg..my skin crawled..
and u noe ppl can just pee in there without others knowing?!?!
then while i was swimmin,
could see like stuff floating around...
dun mean ta be a brat.
but it's just really quite gross.
and u're like putting ur whole body and face into the stuff.
and like some will get in ur mouth.
and i just realised that every thursday's Life Page is on Singapore Arts Scene!that's so awesome!did u guys noe that?so i went to dig up all the past thursday life pages.such cOoL stuffx.OH AND BIENNALE OPENS TODAY!!!!
♥ with love, meow
Tuesday, September 9, 2008 ♥
Last posted@9:11 AM
since this week i'm so 'free', i better update something which happened quite long ago, but i din get the chance to put up. i actually talked about SYF already..but got the pictures from ms lye some time ago. =) such rare, precious pictures..so definitely must share. i never got my face with my painting before this also...so..definitely very very valuable photos.

with principal mr kwek!

with parents

with the three teachers! really special picture!
we're each imitatin one of the 'sinners' in my painting btw. mrs ng is sloth, ms hew is wrath, and ms lye is greed. i'm lust...dotx..so farnii! haish..makes me really really miss aep days..when the teachers were all there..now...they're here, there, everywhere..but not together. sad.
♥ with love, meow
Monday, September 8, 2008 ♥
Last posted@9:54 PM
so many ppl are leaving..
ppl i know, ppl i don't know..
so many are leaving.
the time for those going to australia has passed..
the time for those going to america has passed..
and now...
the london-bound ppl..
scholars, shangyi, my brother's friend, an ~old friend~, ppl i don't know but know..
they're all going..
or...they're already there.
but i'm still here.
i should be there.
but i'm here.
still here.
it's thundering outside. i love it. i love the sound of thunder. i love the sound of rain. i love the smell of rain. i love everything about rain except being out under it. i hope it rains like hell tonight. then maybe i'll find some peace in sleep.
so shangyi helped me send out my packages to the respective ppl today. thanks shang. i'm crossing my fingers, hoping and praying that they wun just toss out my stuff...after i spent so much time and effort on it. i hope they call me up fer interview....or...if dun need interview all the better. i just hope...that they'll think i deserve it..that they'll give me a chance..that there is good humanity out there..who will help me reach for my dream. i hope. i pray. i hope. i pray. pray for me too. (again)
ok. enough of the emo-ness. lemme update a lil of what's been happening the past few days:

went back to NY to visit. ms hew wasn't around unfortunately to entertain us...not like she needs to entertain us, cos obviously we can entertain ourselves. seowling was playng with my banana pencil box..it's a real A.A. she affectionately named it "NANABA". we then played around with gabriel's feathers etc. bla bla bla. i was TRYING to get some studyin done. but of course...failed miserably. mrs ng came later in the day. =) so nice ta see her..always so much fun with mrs ng. haish..i love the aep teachers. i love aep.

met up with sL and shang fer dinner one day. the purpose was to meet with shang's fwen, claudia, so she could tell me bout her lee foundation application etc. it was quite a success.

then on saturday. i painted another pair of shoes. for janice. it was her bday celebration that day....so thought i'd better get it done, so i could give it to her as part of a gift (the gift being my handywork) she loved momo...so i designed a momo theme fer her. =)

just yesterday. met up with aep geeks..old ones and fellow ones. some seniors came...though it was all the guys. some fellow ones came too...and one honourary one aka seowling. it was mainly to celebrate andre's bday and farewell shang...but guess..it was sorta a lil' reunion as well? for the seniors bah. most of our batch couldn't make it..quite sad. but glad to see those who came.

after that. me, seow and shang made our way to red dot museum at tanjong pagar fer an arty farty flea market. real cool stuff. i bought a really awesome book called " the creative license giving yourself permission to be the artist you truly are". it looks crappy..according to shangyi...but i think it has really good stuff in there. illustrations are super nice too..and got it fer a steal really! $25. =) so it was really quite an art fart day in the end. coolness. i like.
it's raining now. i'm so pleased.
♥ with love, meow