Wednesday, October 29, 2008 ♥
Last posted@9:08 AM
ok so i woke up today feeling a lot better.
yesterday was a seriously bad day.
apologies to the people i took it out on.
i'm not sure how the bad day started..
i have several theories:
- when i accidentally pressed the wrong key while doing RP survey (Research participation) and the survey got terminated, so now i have to go back on friday again.
- when my second RP survey kept asking about hopes and dreams and passions and goals and meanings in my life...and whether what i'm doing helps me reach those dreams etc..(like i dun remind myself of my failures enough on my own..need a stupid survey to remind me too?!?!)
- when i come home to have my mother asking me annoying questions (which happens everyday though..i feel bad now..i'm a really lousy kid)
- being ignored and bombarded all at the same time.
- STUPID south asia peer response presentation on friday.
yea. but all that was yesterday. today is a new day. i've got a slimy mask on my face. some work to keep my mind off things. twilight to keep me company. =) no worries.
♥ with love, meow
Friday, October 24, 2008 ♥
Last posted@10:51 PM
but there's nothing much to say... i'd only be ranting bout my obsession with the twilight book series(and that's kinda old news already..since the books have been out since 4ever liao). but yea..if u want to know..i'm obsessed and edward cullen-the fictional vampire character in the book. and if u can see...the problem with obsessing over a FICTIONAL character is quite clear..firstly-they're NON-EXISTENT. secondly-they're usually UNREALISTICALLY wonderful 'people'. and finally-it leaves the reader with awful and impossible expectations in life, leading to feelings of hopelessness and frustration upon realising that these expectations will NEVER be met.

the cullens

edward cullen (robert pattinson)
edward and bella
ah yes. and here i thought that reading would be a distraction to my already meaningless and aimless existence. but..being as wonderfully 'lucky' as i am, my 'distraction'(which was supposed to make me feel better) has only made me feel worse about my future. woot. way to go cat. u're brilliant.
Anyway, it seems like this semester is finally coming to a close. i thought it would never end. and our tutors must find great joy in seeing us wiggle and squirm whilst we try to meet multiple deadlines all within the same week. they're idea of good fun apparently. sick sadists. to make things worse, in just 3 weeks, we have our finals?!?!?! like WHAT THE HELL?!?!?! DIDN'T MID TERMS JUST END?!??!?! DID I NOT LIKE JUST SIT FOR SOUTH ASIA TEST?!?!?! and now i gotta pick up the books once again..i hardly have the motivation..not to mention i'm totally swimming in 'twilight' which is unfortunately very detrimental to my concentration - especially when reading stuff which is totally irrelevant to my 'profound aspirations'. lol.
OK. SEE! told yer all that it's better that i don't update!!! cos all i'll do is complain and whine, groan and moan. and hardly anybody really likes to read such stuff. haish.
♥ with love, meow
Wednesday, October 15, 2008 ♥
Last posted@3:28 PM
though i've always kinda known,
thanks to sara for reminding me.
i know.
it wasn't my place.
it wasn't ur desire.
i'm still a stranger.
separate entity.
foreign body.
always have been.
always will be.
can't change it.
stopped trying.
♥ with love, meow
Friday, October 10, 2008 ♥
Last posted@10:52 PM
i took down the previous post
cause i can't stand the way it looks
i'm honestly a psychotic eccentric perfectionist
♥ with love, meow
Wednesday, October 1, 2008 ♥
Last posted@4:12 PM
just a random post...
nothing i study seems to be sticking in my head. i think there's a threshold to how much i can learn a day. after that line is crossed, anything i read will just be meaningless words, slipping in and out of my head like a lenght of string being pulled from one ear and out the other. that's got me real worried bout friday..SSA test plus SN tutorial. stress.
anyhoo. i went all nuts and starting tearing out the postcards which shang bought me out from its box. plan to send em all to her eventually..over the course of 4 years. so..really...she bought em for herself. =) cause u're gonna have them all in the end Shang!

i've been sketch-journaling a lot lately too. been addicted to's a real good way of expressing feelings and thoughts. it's autobiographical - extremely private - but it'll be fun to look back on in say..10 years time? really recommend ppl to have their own..and it's not even a 'dear diary' thing..where ppl like ta write long essays in there. it's like..just simple stuff..what is inspiring you, what's bothering you..a few sentences, a verse, a ramble, whatever, and then draw a lil' something.. =) Treat every page like a composition(like in art!)
so this is one page which i did..
which didn't have any personal stuffx.
it's just JOHNNY DEPP!
just thought i'd start drawing again.
it's good practice.
♥ with love, meow