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Sunday, November 30, 2008 ♥
Last posted@1:48 PM

i thought that this one week of exams would pass by in a flash - but it seems like it's taking forever. pity the A level-ers, especially art geeks, who had to tahan for a month (lucky i've gotten through that already) - but A levels are all over already, yet, poor uni students are still having exams - at least - I AM, cos pretty much everybody i know except for my brothers, even all those in ntu and smu, have already finished theirs..and me? i end only on tuesday. last monday seems so long ago!

lemme summarise my first nus examination experience.

MONDAY - new media: all MCQ!!!! THANK GOD FOR NEW MEDIA!
TUESDAY- psychology: psych is dsigusting. for all those ppl who think that psych sounds like a ton of fun (i admit i was one of those ppl), well...it's NOT! unless you love to memorise 800 page textbooks and words which u can't pronounce, DO NOT TAKE PSYCH. 100 MCQ and 4 short essay questions - left 16 MCQs blank - can't even guess cos of the damn negative marking system - left one short essay question blank..sorry that i wouldn't remember what a placebo effect was, like give me a break.
WEDNESDAY - sociology: i must have screwed up..i think i wrote too philo style for the 1st question..the 2nd question i think i was writing too singapore studies style, and the last one? gosh...1.5 pages of total bullshit.
SATURDAY - south asia: easier than expected..should manage at least a B-.

so i'm left with singapore studies now which is on tuesday. my favourite module of the sem. so, to round up my exam talk, i hope i dun do too bad...at least dun get anything below a C, because that's the requirement if i want to go fer excange program. i have to get minimum cap 3.0 - and u noe when they say MINIMUM 3.0, what they ACTUALLY mean is u have to get a lot better than that.

Anyway, so janice came to study on friday with me - and BOY was i unproductive. it's not her fault, mostly me, cos i was studying fer south asia...and let's face it, no matter what, i will never get it..plus i was distracted by twilight stuffx. janice says i was floating around the house all day..duno what that means (could it be comment bout the say i walk?) so then sara appeared at my door at around 5 plus? haha...sara is addicted to me..she just can't keep away. she's in love with me, plus her mum thinks she and me are gay together. ain't that the weirdest thing. so then we 'studied' a lil more and went fer dinner at cafe cartel again - crap crap laugh laugh - strolled home, during which they tried to teach me how to walk normally - cos apparently i have a really strange walk - stopped at the park to 'swing, sing and puke' - then went home cos it was already 10pm.

guess what this is...

so after bald and babe went home, the REAL mugging began - cos i suddenly realised that..''hey! i have to sit for an exam tomorrow morning!''. TYPICAL fass student, mugging the night before...TYPICAL TYPICAL TYPICAL..

ok bored of blogging. bye.

♥ with love, meow

Wednesday, November 19, 2008 ♥
Last posted@11:42 PM

Today sara came over to my house to study. not seen her in ages - well there was that little moment at dhoby gaut the other day..but she was like in one of her moods(woops!). nvm. so she came over and we were really quite productive la..i studied like..a little of abnormal psych, then got disgustingly frustrated with it and changed to new media. sara was studying soci and 'analytical SHIT'. We only had a few moments of slacking off, watching ROBERT PATT on youtube, crapping, watching 'whose line is it anyway' for 1/2 hour, lunching etc etc. Pretty good for usually unproductive and distracting 'study buddy' attempts.

Here's some evidence of sara SLACKING. tsk tsk. i sacrificed my desk fer her to study also, so i got kicked to the bed - which really isn't a good place to study...wrapped up in blankets, pillows...

yea..in the evening, our brains were like sizzling out already, so we started porning on msn. when i say porning, i mean, talking bout disgusting things - apparently sara and janice porn online all the time. ANYWAY, so we decided to create a porn story for janice and edward cullen with msn using our beautiful words and of course lots of interactive emoticons. i've published our unique production below for your pleasure. it's not too graphic. lol.



to preserve her reputation, Jen Pen's face shall not be revealed. But here is her chest for ur pleasure




to be continued....

yea so after lotsa laughing, me and sara skipped off to have dinner at cafe cartel. That was the most ridiculous dinner ever please..we were laughing like maniacs down there. i dun even remember what we were laughing at. she kept shouting my ECs(eye candy) name and so i kept shouting back hers. and we kept imaging crazy scenarios bout this and that..and just talking a whole lot of shit. then when desert came - it was browny with ice cream - when we both took the first bite, we went simultaneously: "MMMMmmMmmmmm...."(sounded damn porn) and then we both burst out laughing like mad - the kind of laughter which is soooooo torturous, u feel like u just might die of suffocation! sara seriously has a contagious laugh. then on the way home we were like two drunkards..we trying to do a "BRI-ISH" accent, to much avail.. ohhhh...seriously funny. ok u guys wun find it funny cos u had to be there.

argh. sara is great. it's great that we can like just talk shit and at the same time talk about serious, intellectual stuffx too. that's really great. sara's someone i can just like totally be myself with..talk however i want, and talk about whatever i want. i can just be totally stupid round her and not have ta worry bout it - make weird sounds and talk gibberish. so happy u're my fwen sara!!!! and THANKS SO MUCH FER THE AWESOME DAY! was really liberating! date more often! mua!

♥ with love, meow

Monday, November 17, 2008 ♥
Last posted@9:09 PM

ok these shots were taken months ago at the zoo.
i realise i didn't post em.
so here they are.
i'm just posting them cause i thing they're really nice.

it's like heaven opening its gates
shining down its splendour..
on the giraffes...
and seow ling.

In addition
after the recent tragedy at the zoo
i don't think i'd ever be able to look at the white tigers the same ever again
i don't even thing that i'll feel the same in the zoo ever again
it now has an aura of death
and sadness...

♥ with love, meow

Sunday, November 16, 2008 ♥
Last posted@10:38 PM

The many personalities of Low Seow Ling

I have come to the conclusion that Ms Low has 6 different personalities.
ONE. the intelligent Lawyer
TWO. the retarded child
THREE. the crooked flirt
FOUR. the handsome ah boy
FIVE. the closet gu niang
SIX. polygamist

These are no. FOUR and FIVE.


♥ with love, meow

Friday, November 14, 2008 ♥
Last posted@9:30 PM

hey everybody! it's the last day of semester one at NUS! It sure did fly by in a flash. So i decided to document today's happenings - though half of it had nothin g to do with NUS..but nvm!

this is tze yin's foot. dun ask me why. i just wanted to document it.
she had PURPLE nail polish on before this.

these are the South Asia Lecturers and Tutors - including my tutor Mr Dinesh who is the skinnier guy on the left. he's a sarcastic fellow.

ok. u see that piece of flesh, or arm, or hand (duno what it is) there on my shoulder? i seriously duno if it's MINE, or zinc's, or.....(shiver)

jingwen crashed NUS!!!! wooooo! she took half day off work. SLACKER!

and this is my Singapore Society Lecturer! Mr Pereira!!!! NO NOT PIO PEREIRA! I adore his lecture..and his tutorial. i adore him. adore adore adore adore adore adore. The one and only lecturer whom i actually pay attention to the whole 2 hours...even nandwani had me driftin off sometimes..oh. I'M SO SAD THAT THIS WAS THE LAST LECTURE!!!!!!!! ARGH!

then i ran into janice who was going to meet sara. we were going the same way..so hung out for a while. and she tried to rub her fingerprints all over my twilight book. i managed to free my precious book from her grubby hands..only to lose it to sara babes at dhoby gaut station. sad.

belize and chicken engaged in lame converstaion on the mrt.

yes. this is jing wen's ass.

took some shots of this year's christmas decor.

three lame ppl. ok...it's just 2 lame ppl. i'm really not that lame. i just listen and laugh.

ok. that was really quite a bad documentation of my day. left out a lot of juicy details which i shall gladly fill u in now in words. beautiful words. i made an interesting observation today. i saw my EC again today. for u noobs out there - EC=Eye Candy. and i think he's been wearing the same shirt fer the past 3 fridays. and i only notice this because the first time i saw him wear the shirt i noticed cos it was the same colour as what i was wearing..tsk tsk. so i duno...if it's like coincidence...or he just has lotsa shirts in that colour...or if like he has some kinda outfit plan...like monday i wear this, tuesday i wear that etc etc.. ok. i know i said i had lotsa juicy details i'd left out - but that was the only one acutally. yay!

ok. on a more serious note. as today is the last day of semester one, i started to reflect on my time in NUS. i know it started out really rough - i didn't like anything i was studying..i didn't like the school, the ppl bla bla bla. but looking back..i know that i only felt that way because i had a real negative shitty attitude. there was seriously some bad stinking aura exhuding from me, cos i was still so upset and disappointed about not getting to jolly ol london..and that really affected me for a long time. BUT! i've had time...to think, and accept..i was still hoping deep down that i would be able to somehow get the money to go...but my last resort was like totally demolished by the damn economic crisis. i was hoping to ride some backdoor and get some assistance from DBS, but lo and behold, i open the newspaper and see headlines "DBS to let 900 employees go". like what the freaking hell. SERIOUSLY..after EVERYTHING SUAY that has happened to me, preventing me to go..i must either be the SUAYEST person on the planet ever to exist across time, OR...it's really just not meant to be(which is the more acceptable explanation for all this crap) so..after acceptance..and more time spent in NUS, i realise...i'm starting to enjoy my time there. Yes..it's not the ideal route..and i still have no idea what i'm going to major in..or what i'm going to do with my life, but - i have the people, i have the building, the environment, and most importantly, i have the experience - of being a university student - something which so many ppl do not have the chance to experience. and i feel thankful all of a sudden..and proud..to be in NUS. =)

Yep. so that's a conclusion to that chapter of my life - the 'I NEED TO GO TO LONDON OR I'LL DIE' chapter. now i can start a new one - 'FIND MY PURPOSE' chapter. =) i wonder if this chapter ever really ends actually..how many people are actually lucky enough to discover their true purpose in life? and even if they do, does everyone only have ONE purpose? haish. what a pickle.. =)

♥ with love, meow

Sunday, November 9, 2008 ♥
Last posted@5:45 PM

i'm supposed to put up lots of unglam photos of teo tze yin.
and i was just about to the other day.
but then i was suddenly afraid that she might get pissed.
cos her unglam pics..
are really quite unglam.
doesn't seem like fair revenge to her measly one photo of me.
then i thought i would help avenge her friends..
so here's a compromise:
2 beautiful pictures of teo tze yin.

right. on to more interesting things. lately, i've been catching lotsa performances at the esplanade. makes me feel cultured. first it was vienna boys choir with sL, then yesterday i went to watch the musical 'Avenue Q' with my family. OK GUYS, Avenue Q is like sooooo FREAKING GOOD. YOU HAVE TO WATCH IT! it's run is almost up, so if you haven't watched it..well you must. If you miss it, then u'd just have to pay $3000, fly to london, pay another 30pounds for a shit seat, or 10pounds for a 'standing up' seat, to watch avenue Q which is on permanent show there. you won't regret it. i swear. in a nutshell, it's basically telling the story of this guy named princeton - represented by a muppet, on his journey to find his purpose in life - he meets all these characters in a neighbourhood called Avenue Q, and they sing about issues like rascism, porn, homosexuality..yea sounds deep, but it's not, it's damn funny. the singers are also bloody good..oh, and not forgetting the LIVE Muppet sex scene..Graphic. dotx. but i super enjoyed it and i wanna watch it again so bad. argh.

ok this isn't the cast that performed in Singapore
Singapore is the Manila cast.

yea. so today i was back at esplanade again, this time to watch a FREE performance by 'west winds'. They were playing movie songs - jurassic park, incredibles etc. really nice. the concert hall was packed...with...uncouth ppl - who woot and scream and talk and take photographs, and CLAP UNNECESSARILY..now i wouldn't say i'm the most experienced concert goer...but please laaaa.....CONCERT ETIQUETTE...read a manual, take a course, dun embarrass Singapore. shit, now i'm gonna be accused of being elitist. HECK.

and 'CATS' is coming to Singapore next year! the musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber! me and sL are gonna catch it! another SUPER super Good performance to catch!!! =) can't wait.

i actually love going to such performances. the atmosphere is very nice, very grand. it's a feel good thing. i guess Singapore IS doing a pretty good job with the whole ARTs HuB endeavour. There seems to be a lot of good stuff showing in the esplanade lately..and else where too. i also saw that there's gonna be a theatre play on shakespear's 'winter's tale' next year..with some real good actors - ethan hawke, others that u've seen on TV. hahaha. if only i understood shakespearen english.. =)

♥ with love, meow

Sunday, November 2, 2008 ♥
Last posted@10:20 AM

so sad that Singapore doesn't celebrate Halloween
the most i saw of 'dress-up' in NUS..
was this girl wearing a pirate hat,
and another wearing cat ears.

♥ with love, meow

Saturday, November 1, 2008 ♥
Last posted@9:53 AM

so YESTERDAY was the dreaded South Asia Peer Response Presentation. i won't even bother to explain to u all what that means. All u gotta know is that we had to stand up one by one and talk for 3 minutes..and yea...no big deal rite..as a uni student...that's supposed to be a give in. but i can't tell u how nervous i was.

i already had butterflies a few hours b4 the tutorial..my palms were sweaty bla bla bla. sitting down awaiting my doom and i could literally FEEL my heart thumping...and it's strange that i felt it at my stomach...and though the room was cold, i was kinda sweating..HAHA. i'm so so so super NOT exaggerating! this is literally what happened!

yea so it was finally my turn and stood up. i thought i would read from my paper, but i couldn't HOLD my paper!!!! because even I could see the paper SHAKING in my hand (if it's that obvious to me, imagine what everybody else sees), so i casually set it down on the table, and tried to balance my fingers on the table to hide the shaking, but GUESS WHAT, they shook violently ANYWAY..argh. plus, i now could not just read from my paper, cos that would mean that i would be staring at the table the whole time, thus i had to impromptu - resulting in me speaking in totally incoherent sentences and unconciously saying a lot of "YA"s at the end of every single 'sentence'. SHIT! so i din even bother to say all my points - just had to get it over and done with. i sat down, and my tutor probably could sense my extreme nervousness and so he randomly commented to lighten the mood about why is it that Singaporeans like to punctuate their speech with "ya". with the americans it's "like"...etc.

yea. so that was the failure of my day, or my week, or the whole term really...never felt like such an incommpetent loser in in my life (no wait..that's not true, i've felt worse on several occasions) ANYWAY, glad it's over and done with..i realise, i have better writing skills than i do speaking skills..haish.. someone who sits behind a desk writing minutes, not the someone who provides the content for the minutes...a follower not a leader. argh..hate myself.

♥ with love, meow

the person.



NUS FASS freshy
turning 20 this 12th July


desperately seeking


maybe in some other time
some other place


though we travel the world over the find the beautiful
we must carry it with us or we find it not

the sky.


a perfect paradox of constancy and change
always there but never the same

i love.

buddie baby
precious friends


i must down to the seas again
to the lonely sea and sky
and all i ask
is a tall ship and star
to steer her by

talk to me.

i carry your heart.

e.e. cummings

i carry your heart with me
i carry it in my heart
i am never without it
anywhere i go you go,
my dear;
and whatever is done
by only me
is your doing,
my darling

i fear no fate
for you are my fate,
my sweet
i want no world
for beautiful you are my world,
my true
and it's you are
whatever a moon
has always meant
and whatever a sun
will always sing
is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
here is the root of the root
and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky
of a tree called life;
which grows higher
than the soul can hope
or mind can hide
and this is the wonder
that's keeping the stars apart.

i carry your heart
i carry it in my heart


cheng hong
inn poh
kai ying
seow ling
sook chan
tze yin
xian min

aep blog


there is love

Love is patient,
love is kind.
It does not envy,
it does not boast,
it is not proud.

It is not rude,
it is not self-seeking,
it is not easily angered,
it keeps no record of wrongs.

Love does not delight in evil
but rejoices with the truth.

It always protects,
always trusts,
always hopes,
always perseveres.

love never fails

Corinthians 1:4-7

the history.
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
May 2009
June 2009

Template (sweetpulchritude-)
Idea (`vanessa_)
Design (LGM