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Monday, December 29, 2008 ♥
Last posted@8:24 PM

if random acts of violence were an acceptable societal norm,
i'd hate to imagine the number of ppl severely injured or dead at my hand.
broken bones, missing teeth, internal bleeding.
bludgeoned to death with a bat.
because they don't know how to stand on the CORRECT side of the escalator.
because they walk so freagin SLOW on a crowded narrow walkway.
because they like to stop and hangout in the MIDDLE of a crowded narrow walkway, or in front of the escalator entrance/exit.

i think i need anger management.

♥ with love, meow

Thursday, December 25, 2008 ♥
Last posted@9:16 PM

ok. i shall now update some of the more arty photos. lemme tell the funny story which came along with these pictures. so i went out to the jetty in the evening on the 2nd last day of our stay and took some WONDERFUL shots..like seriously beautiful. i was so pleased with myself. so at night i decided to flip through the shots i took because i couldn't really get a good look before cos the sun was blinding me. so then i was flipping through a few when i thought i would try and change the sizing of the photographs. i explored the buttons and options cause i din noe exactly how to do it and i pressed something wrong - next thing u noe, ALL my photos are gone. gord..it was super heart wrenching. i was seriously like "WHY ISN'T THERE AN 'UNDO BUTTON' IN REAL LIFE?!?!?!" *cries** so i had a very unrestful night thinking about my lost effort.

ANYWAY, i was determined not to go home without anything to prove that i was overseas, so the next morning i went down again and tried to retake some shots - though the position of the sun was totally different... =( but! managed to get some other great stuffx. =) here they are! enjoy:

yup. that's all. hope u enjoyed it. photography is fun. hope to improve my skills in the future. =)

♥ with love, meow

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 ♥
Last posted@11:47 AM

wow. i woke up this morning and it was raining - stark contrast with the weather in langkawi where i was just yesterday. when i arrived at the hotel on saturday morning, the ppl there told us that it hadn't rained there for a week! i looked up into the sky and there wasn't a cloud in sight! no wonder it was so hot and sunny - which was of course ideal cause i wanted to phase out of my pasty whiteness (that's till i found out that the sun seems to have some kind of agenda against me - cause everytime i headed out with the intention to tan, the sun hid out on me)wth. nvm. i still managed to get a wee bit darker - some better than none.

we stayed at 'the westin langkawi' - a beach resort which used to be 'sheraton perdana' but was taken over by westin. i know this because the last time we were in langkawi we stayed at the exact same hotel - which was sheraton at the time. therefore, there was an overwhelming sense of familiarity as we explored the place. twas pretty much the same except for some major improvements to the rooms, pools and dining areas. the rooms were deliciously AWESOME!

the hotel. (see! minimal clouds!)

u can see out into the room from the toilet - which means u can actually watch tv while u sit in the tub. unfortuntately i was bunking with my bro, so could not maximise this function (that would be awkward huh.)

ok. so basically, to cut a long story short, we just did 4 thing during our stay in langkawi - eat, sleep, swim and use the recreation centre. we did go out to the town one afternoon - but erm..it was a trip planned with high expectations - none of which were met. spoiled singaporeans. anyway. of all the places in the world, i ran into a familiar face in langkawi, and not just in langkawi, but in the exact same hotel at the exact same time! i ran into my singapore society lecturer - anthony alexius pereira. omg. and i was just thinking bout him and my sem one results..i wanted to go up and say "HI MR PEREIRA! WAHHH..SO HAPPY AH?!?! MARK FINISH ALL OUR SCRIPTS LIAO AH?!?!?!"

ANYWAY, here are some photos of my trip.

that's a cool chess set on the table there! tried ta play but i suck!

my mum - trying to relive her childhood - but failing miserably.

i gotta be like a tree.

brother tried to teach me tennis AGAIN. failed attempt no. 386

tennis cool move

dad's still got some moves left in im'

played table tennis - look at cookie monster cheering me on!

gymed - this machine is so fun - and i burnt one cookie's worth of calories on it. -.-''

i tried to teach my mum arm training with weights

played pool (badly)

went shopping.

some family shots around the resort compound:

bye langkawi!

ok i actually took a lot more shots - more arty ones. i shall upload those in the next entry. i have a funny story bout that. ok it's not funny. it was damn sad and frustrating. shall explain later. anyway. we arrived back in singapore at 2215 yesterday and i had an 'overwhelming singaporean feeling' stepping back into changi airport. changi airport rocks my socks. the ONE place i feel patriotic.

THEN! (scary music) i remembered..bloody hell...results are out. went home, logged in, scrolled down, *diex*.

3.7 cap. at least not less than 3.5 - if not all hopes of going for exchange program die there and then. it's not bad..i suppose..but i felt so awful seeing all those B-. i blame my brother..idiotic oversized brain child capping 4.5, A, A-, A+ here, there, left right centre like nobody's business. argh. fely so demoralised and shit. then the thought dawned upon me again - what if i were studying art..would i be doing better? i don't want to be ordinary..i don't want to just be this person scoring average grades, lost in the pool of ppl in nus. argh!!!!! with art, i felt..unique and special...now..it's like....

god! this is depressing.

♥ with love, meow

Friday, December 19, 2008 ♥
Last posted@1:13 PM

yes i've watched twilight(in theatres, not my illegal way), and well, i already knew when i caught it the first time online that it wasn't quite up to par. yea..this review is like damn meaningless now, cos like half the world has already seen it like a month ago, so they're like OVER it already...while we poor folks in this god forsaken desert have only JUST received it. whatever. i don't care. so firstly, the movie seemed kinda rushed - which i understand cos it's a movie..they gotta fit a whole lotta crap in 1.5 hours..but still..i think it couldv'e been developed better. so it's like oh! e. and b. meet and woohoo...suddenly they're totally in love with each other...and we ppl watching are like...when and how did that happen?!?! secondly, i dun get the whole deal bout the chemistry thing between r.p. and k.s..i personally din feel it..i duno..they just din look comfortable with each other at all..mebe it's the acting - but they both seriously needa like lighten up. the only part in the film which was more believable and where i could sense a wee lil bit of chemistry was the part where e. was jumping down from her truck and was saying that he wanted to bring b. to meet his family. that little scene was the most comfortable fer me to watch..other than that..e. seemed so uptight and awkward the whole time. which brings me to my final point which is of course...the acting was kinda....off. r.p. is hot and all and i adore him...yea..but i think he needs ta brush up the acting man. giving him the benefit of the doubt..i think it's quite a difficult role to portray..who in the world would know how to act like the kinda vampire that meyer has created..it's tough. i'm no actor...but i think i've watched enough movies to know what's good acting and what's not. i think a lot of the strangeness and uneasiness abt the acting has to do with the timing of lines...when the person comes in to answer a question...or in reaction to something..i think that was off..yea amongst other things.

yea..so i didn't quite think the movie was so great obviously..but as a loyal follower of the series and of the hotness of r.p., i'll still go buy the dvd and i'll still go watch new moon when it comes out. of courseeeee... =) though i'm still quite upset that they're not casting taylor lautner as jacob after he morphs...or whatever. that's sad.

ok..twilight mania has finally cooled. i've got more important things to moan and groan about now. like sem1 results on the 23rd - like what's they're problem..can't we enjoy christmas b4 we have to face reality? on the 23rd! of all days. screwed up. biddin is just round the corner. i want my 3 day week. ok honestly..i like school. and i'm excited for sem2. =D but somehow, everytime i so much as think of london and goldsmiths..my heart still aches. haish. i guess ppl never really get over lost dreams and crushed hopes. *shrugs**

♥ with love, meow

Thursday, December 18, 2008 ♥
Last posted@12:21 AM

i'm a walking disease.
can't exercise.
can't rid tum fat.
stupid disease.
why me?

super super super low self confidence.

feel ugly
and yucky.

♥ with love, meow

Friday, December 5, 2008 ♥
Last posted@10:18 PM

went out with jen pen today to do some holiday and christmas shopping.
was on a quest to buy beach stuff.
i got me sunglasses and a new swim suit.
jan was so patient sitting outside the dressing room while i tried on the whole shop.
thanks jan.
thousands of kisses.

we walked A LOT:
started at orchard
walked to far east
then to the galleria
then to isetan
then back to orchard
mrt to dhoby
walked round ps
mrt to city hall
walked to suntec
walked across suntec all the way to tower 3
then back to city hall.

haha..by the end my legs were jello.
but i had bought my stuff,
plus christmas presents for mama and papa.
left those 2 boys.
i never know what to get boys.
they're such a mystery.

me and janice like to gay together.
we send each other flying kisses and walk arm in arm.
it's gay.
but nvm.
it's jan jam jen pen.
she's probably downing jugs of alcohol at timbre now.

tomorrow going to play badminton with jan and sara.

ngiao ngiao...

OH!!!! and the mystery of the midnight phonecalls has been solved. apparently it was an old friend. some problem with the handphone - complicated story, shan't elaborate. haha. but yea...at least it wasn't some pranker. =))

♥ with love, meow

Wednesday, December 3, 2008 ♥
Last posted@4:32 PM

yes! my exams are finally over!
i must say SSA was quite manageable compared to the others.
mebe it's because i had 1 hour for each question.

plus mr peirera is so awesome.
true to his nature, he was stil making jokes in the exam hall.
mr peirera: "shall we do some last minute revision?"
exam hall: " ..... "
mr peirera: "what is the no. 1 CAUSE of DIVORCE?"
exam hall: " ...?... "
mr peirera: "MARRIAGE."
mr peirera: "ok, it's 1pm, start ur papers."

gord i love him to bits.

so now i'm free like bird. nothing to do all day!!! dun even have to worry bout next sem until start of january because we wun even noe what mods we'd be taking till then! isn't that the most awesome thing about NUS ever!!! they really just let u slack during hols! so happy. so i've started my whole 'get fit' craze again. i'm going beach fer holiday..dun wanna bare my flabs for the world..so i've starte working out again..1 hour a day. i started on monday - after like how many months of not doing anything...and gorsh am i aching now..ALL OVER literally..arms, legs, back, and other unmentionable places. honest to god, i can't walk or sit down without making noise: "OUCH!!! OOOOO!!! AHH!!! OWWW!!!!!". i'm pathetic i know..dun care. i'm determined to lose the stomach flab.

ok..on a creepier note. have u ever felt like u were in a scene in some horror movie. just a few nights ago...monday night i think..i was alone at home. both my brothers were out and my parents were out fer dinner. so it was just me and my maid who was downstairs in her room already. so then the phone rang..the house was seriously quiet...so i went to pick it up...and there was no one there..i was like: "HELLO??!?!??!?!?" then the person on the opposite line must have put own the receiver. so after that i was like.."HMMmmmmm"...i mean usaully it wouldn't be a problem at all...but it was because it was at night and i was alone at home..so was a little wary. so then i went back to studying and already my senses were all heightened already..then...my dog started barking outside fer no apparent reason..the dogs next door weren't even barking... GEESH! i was super creeped out then. BUT..i calmed down after a while. no biggy. haha..i din die.

ok creepy no. 2! i've been receiveing mysterious phonecalls on my handphone n the middle of the night...at like 12am. happened just last night. i was already drifting into sleep then i was startled by the vibrating of my phone on my desk...so i had to get up to go get it...but it was from a land line number that i didn't recognise....so i just din answer. so i went back to bed. THEN..i was drifting off again...when my phone RANG AGAIN!!!! this time it was from a strange hp number...so again..i ended the call without answering and turned off my phone. SO IRRITATING! ok..there are 2 explanations for this - one. some idiot keep calling wrong number. two. i have an idiotic stalker. ngiao ngiao...


♥ with love, meow

the person.



NUS FASS freshy
turning 20 this 12th July


desperately seeking


maybe in some other time
some other place


though we travel the world over the find the beautiful
we must carry it with us or we find it not

the sky.


a perfect paradox of constancy and change
always there but never the same

i love.

buddie baby
precious friends


i must down to the seas again
to the lonely sea and sky
and all i ask
is a tall ship and star
to steer her by

talk to me.

i carry your heart.

e.e. cummings

i carry your heart with me
i carry it in my heart
i am never without it
anywhere i go you go,
my dear;
and whatever is done
by only me
is your doing,
my darling

i fear no fate
for you are my fate,
my sweet
i want no world
for beautiful you are my world,
my true
and it's you are
whatever a moon
has always meant
and whatever a sun
will always sing
is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
here is the root of the root
and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky
of a tree called life;
which grows higher
than the soul can hope
or mind can hide
and this is the wonder
that's keeping the stars apart.

i carry your heart
i carry it in my heart


cheng hong
inn poh
kai ying
seow ling
sook chan
tze yin
xian min

aep blog


there is love

Love is patient,
love is kind.
It does not envy,
it does not boast,
it is not proud.

It is not rude,
it is not self-seeking,
it is not easily angered,
it keeps no record of wrongs.

Love does not delight in evil
but rejoices with the truth.

It always protects,
always trusts,
always hopes,
always perseveres.

love never fails

Corinthians 1:4-7

the history.
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
May 2009
June 2009

Template (sweetpulchritude-)
Idea (`vanessa_)
Design (LGM