Tuesday, February 17, 2009 ♥
Last posted@10:34 PM
omg. ok.
so on the way to meet jing and belili.
i was on the mrt and encountered something.
and i HAD to take a picture.
i just HAD to.
you noe why?
because i'm amazed.
just totally amazed...
at how annoyingly idiotic ppl can be.
just look at the photo:

like what the hell.
why do these ppl exist?
♥ with love, meow
Monday, February 9, 2009 ♥
Last posted@9:37 PM
monday sucks! (monday sucks!)
monday sucks! (monday sucks!)
It's a song.
but monday does truely suck, and as janice yue Y2K bug would put it - 'monday sucks big fat plums'. (don't ask) 12 hours in school, 8 out of the 12 hrs i have break. and breaks can be really really really BORING. sure i can STUDY, but it has come to my knowledge that i cannot study more than an hour straight. my mind will wander..plus, i'll get a headache. strange isn't it. at least i get a ride home =)
so today when i arrived home, there was an exciting package waiting for me on top of the pile of mail! i examined it carefully and as soon as i saw the 'royal mail' sticker, i knew it was from SHANG!!!!!!!! OhhhHHhhhh!!!! so exciting!!! my kor and mum were like surrounding me being kaypo..so i opened it and inside was a little something and a postcard (see below)
HAHA!!!! thank you so much shang!!!!! it's really so so so super thoughtful of you. though my mum and brother quickly lost interest, it really means so much to me! thank you thank you thank you thank you. mua! haha...though i duno what to do with it. i'll just mess up my room. or buddie will eat it and get diarrhea. hehehe. so fun. =) ThaNk YOu.
Valentine's day is also just around the corner and NUS is really getting into the 'festivities'. selling flowers and gifts and duno what la. they also set up these 2 disgusting arches at the 2 ends of the AS6 walkway..damn corny la..they look like the wedding arch object in sims 2 - for those who play sims 2 u noe what i'm talking about rite, and if u noe, just think of that object, minus the 'niceness' - and that's what's sitting at FASS right now. haish. trying to get ppl into the 'mood'. like i told seow ling, it's all ploy - to get ppl all romanticy feeling so they'll hook up with their beloved crushes, go steady, get married and have a bunch of bouncy babies, like the govt wants! =P well...i think they better do more than all that if that's what they're trying to achieve. well, i did like the hanging paper hearts. i sat at the bench in front of them fer like 2 hours - they were quite enchanting...plus ppl kept whacking them as they walked by (barbaric).

♥ with love, meow
Sunday, February 8, 2009 ♥
Last posted@12:02 AM
today. i mean yesterday, i went the SMU band concert at VCH. Seow Ling was performing, went to support her, but in the end, the performance was really really really good. i admit that a lot of the time, i'll get bored after a while during such performaces, but this was really good, no wonder it's a 'gold band'. some parts made me wanna cry, some parts made me wana dance..that's a sign of an excellent performance. so GOOD JOB SEOW LING!!!! and good job smu band.
though we were sitting at an unstrategic place for viewing seow..all we could see were her little legs and hands holding on to her flute. her face was like 'censored'. and then her aunty and parents came to sit beside us, and they kept changing places, shift here, shift inside, shift outside. then in the end, shift to the front so can see their daughter's face. afterall, it'd be sad if u went to support someone and din get to see their face at all. so funny - a person's face is really his/her identity. is it not enough to know the person is there or just see part of the person? why is it so important to see the FACE? i duno..should ask psych ppl.
i drew the seow! (first time trying this style)
managed to catch the 'ever popular' seow aftershow
after that went to eat late dinner with jenny penny..(whom i have many reasons to slap)..at KFC. talked about serious stuffx till i got no voice. who knew our families had so much in common my fwen.. mebe we're secretly related. anyway, thanks for accompanying me, though i had to bribe u to come. U O Me FOrEver! thanks.
♥ with love, meow