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Thursday, May 28, 2009 ♥
Last posted@9:37 AM

job hunting.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.yawn yawn

hunting for a job is tough
it's sian
it's frustrating
especially for an impatient person such as meself

good thing i have trip planning to occupy my thoughts

trip planning.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.faint faintx

planning a trip is tough
it's complicated
takes forever
but it'll all be worth it - it better be

i should consider a future career as a travel agent

i have the urge to reprimand some ppl

♥ with love, meow

Saturday, May 23, 2009 ♥
Last posted@10:36 PM

visions imaginable 'two'
casualties of war

♥ with love, meow

Friday, May 22, 2009 ♥
Last posted@11:21 PM

visions imaginable 'one'

go where the wind takes you

♥ with love, meow

Last posted@8:29 PM

Yesterday i brough buddie to sentosa with my brother, raymond, junior(ray's dog) kenny and sara. It was super great! Buddie's never been so far from home. hehe..and he was super excited and confused at the same time. we were in the car for quite a while and everytime we stopped at a light, he would have his confused anxious face on. SO CUTE!

So finally reached sentosa and got down to business. goal was to get buddie in the water to swim. and we did accomplish it somewhat...though we had ta force him in. and he looked so scared. after the first time raymond pulled him in against his will, he was scared to let ray touch him for a while after that - but he got over it. =D good thing he had junior there for 'moral support'. =D

that's raymond and junior

buddie was so cautious going in

crossed the sentosa bridge and climbed the tower

you have no idea how long it took to get this picture..they just wouldn't keep still!

good friendsss - buddie and junior / 'juju'

paddle paddle paddle

run run run

ok! that was a super fun day. =D buddie had such a great time i could tell. he was so energetic and happy. of course he woke up this morning and refused to move. refused to come to you when u call. refuse to even lift his head..lol. but of course he still found the strength to bark at the postman. oh well


♥ with love, meow

Wednesday, May 13, 2009 ♥
Last posted@12:56 PM

HI everybody!

"Guess who's back?
back again..
Cat is back!
tell a friend..."

I've been on blog strike for a few months now - don't really know why. but i'm supposing it's because life had been so mundane during the term - and also cause i'm lazy. =P

snake + cat = pig
(go figure)

Anyway, promised a coupla ppl i would start up again once summer break starts. so here i am.

i shall blog about my trip to NEPAL!!! the moment exams ended on may 4th(though i was pretty much in holiday mood WAY WAY WAY before that), we packed up and shipped ourselves off ta Nepal~~ which btw 'i'm in love with'..it may not be a garden city, definitely not clean and green, metropolitan or global bla bla bla yadder yadder yadder, but it has a certain charm. there's a surreality about being there which is captivating, seductive, enchanting... BUT that's just me (and i'm weird).
so let me not talk 'day by day', it'll take too long and i'm lazy --

Culture in nepal is extremely laid back - service is 'slow' (by singaporean standards), and a lot of the time ppl just sit around doing nothing, especially outside the main city. it's kinda cool. school also starts only at 10am and ends around 3 or 4 in the afternoon..same for office workers..crazy ain't it.

that's their table tennis table! with rocks as the net.

about the cows..nepal is apparently mostly buddhist and hindu populated - so u've got cows everywhere! roaming the streets (like they own it) they'll sit in the middle of the road watchinig the world go by, sometimes they'll just sleep there - ''who cares about traffic rite..cars dun bother me''. of course..because nobody there dares to hurt the precious beasts - god forbid we scratch their delicate hides much less smash them to mulch with our metal vehicles.. *rolls eyes.

Traffic is miserable throughout nepal..mostly due to the fact that they don't have any kind of traffic rules - other than which direction of traffic generally moves on the left or right of the road. there are no traffic lights, no signalling, no 'who has the right of way' bla bla bla. even in the city centre! so ou can only imagine the chaos. The 'horn' is also used WAY too much. in singapore, if u get horned it means..."u're an idiot doing something stupid'', over there, the horn is like..a popular accessory of the vehicle, activated whenever for no particular reason, mostly to say, ''i'm coming whether u like it or not, so get out of my way''. did i also mention how annoying the horns sounds. it's all the TATA trucks..their horns have tunes...damn loud and they scare the shit out of the unexpecting tourist walking innocently on the side of the road..

Tata truck - the horn sings..

but i must say, they have extremely talented drivers over there who are able to weave in and out of traffic like it was nothing...they can be driving through cars with a foot of leeway and not ever bang or scratch another vehicle..it's amazing. =P if think u're a good driver in singapore....try going over there and drive...i predict imminent and eventual Deafness..or 'deathness'.

Also, don't ever count on exceeding 100km/hr on nepalese 'highways'. when we were on our way to kathmandu from pokhara, we saw the sign which said..kathmandu-190km. so mum dear was calculating in her head...+x-=..."oh so that should take like 2 hours?" XXXWRONGXXX 'u think we're traveling on the north south highway?!???'..it took 5 hours..

ok. enough bitching. All the stuff with traffic and cows...really wasn't unpleasant at all. it was intriguing and interesting. =) so anyway, we spent our first night in Nargakot which is about 2 hours from kathmandu on highlands..slightly higher than cameron highlands. so it was awesomely cold.. Nargakot is prized for awesome sunrise and sunset views, because u can see the mountain ranges in the distance. hehe. it was great~~though...couldn't really see the mountain clearly due to fog..and clouds.
but the first sight of the snow capped mountain - even if it wasn't crystal clear...i can't explain the feeling..closest i can find..is that it was magical..mystical, and so utterly thrilling..could stare at it for days on end.

walking around the hotel compound

puppies playing with a dead rat..tsk tsk.

went rafting on our way to pokhara. felt so incredible bad because the group of ppl who were supposed to be on the same raft waited 2 hours for us to get there. but we really didn't know we were late..or that there were ppl waiting. haish. PAISEH! none the less..we put on our gear and got on the raft =P 3 hours of river and rapids..so fun!!! *squealllll** it was a very hot day but the water was so cool, everytime it splashes you it was like sooo 'shuang'. so we all got seriously tanned and burnt but didn't feel it..that's the best way to get a tan. =D

stopping for lunch..

my only complaint is that i didn't get to jump into the water when everybody else did..because my parents didn't want to..and i wasn't about to jump in and float around by myself while everybody else was in their hehehaha groups.. haish...just one of the 'wet blanket' moments of the trip..how i wished that my bro was there...or like a couple of friends..rar rar rar.

super super super want to do rafting again!!! more violent rapids would be cool too. heard in winter the water level is higher so it's more exciting!!!

Finally reached pokhara. nice little town =) popular tourist destination cause of the view of the ANNAPURNA HIMALAYAN RANGE. which is like a subset of the whole thing. hehe. went to our hotel which is called 'fishtail lodge' (named after the fishtail peak in the range - cause the peak looks like a fishtail - obviously) Funny thing about the hotel was that it was separated from the 'mainland' by a narrow portion of fewa lake, so everytime ppl wanted to go to and from the hotel to the main area of pokhara, they had to get on this raft thing and the guy would pull u over..haha.

birds eye view of our hotel - fishtail lodge

erm..guess who..

Locals collecting water and bathin at the lake

the next day we went aero gliding!!! another super highlight! was awesome....plus i found my pilot hot. but that's beside the point.

in my gear..it gets cold up there..

meandering river with flood plain (so geog..)


back at the hotel it started to get really really windy. blew all the dust in our eyes so we had to stay in the hotel. but good thing we did, because the wind also blew all the clouds which were covering the mountain range away! lucky us...we got quite a clear view! and it was...MAGIC again.. sighhh.. took a million shots. can't wait to go back in december when the skies will be clearer..that's right! i'm going back in december!!!

oh well, soon it was all over and we were going home..departure at kathmandu airport is sure...'secure'. they body checked us like 3 times!!! touched me and everything...*shiver* they had dogs sniffing around, and even after putting our bags through the scanning thing, they still insist on MANUALLY checking...emptied out everything, empty plastic bag also suspicious. i guess they dun trust their machines.. omg..the lamest thing then happened - they loaded us on a bus to get top the plane, so we all got on, and the bus then drove like 10 metres?!?!??! cause the plane was like right there!!! so i dun understand why the din just let us walk...everybody was like sniggering and laughing to themselves. =P
the sky was awesome from the plane..i finally understand when they say 'pillars of clouds'.. was like heaven up there (or at least how i imagined heaven ta be)

home sweet home.

well i plan to go back for trekking in december



♥ with love, meow

the person.



NUS FASS freshy
turning 20 this 12th July


desperately seeking


maybe in some other time
some other place


though we travel the world over the find the beautiful
we must carry it with us or we find it not

the sky.


a perfect paradox of constancy and change
always there but never the same

i love.

buddie baby
precious friends


i must down to the seas again
to the lonely sea and sky
and all i ask
is a tall ship and star
to steer her by

talk to me.

i carry your heart.

e.e. cummings

i carry your heart with me
i carry it in my heart
i am never without it
anywhere i go you go,
my dear;
and whatever is done
by only me
is your doing,
my darling

i fear no fate
for you are my fate,
my sweet
i want no world
for beautiful you are my world,
my true
and it's you are
whatever a moon
has always meant
and whatever a sun
will always sing
is you

here is the deepest secret nobody knows
here is the root of the root
and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky
of a tree called life;
which grows higher
than the soul can hope
or mind can hide
and this is the wonder
that's keeping the stars apart.

i carry your heart
i carry it in my heart


cheng hong
inn poh
kai ying
seow ling
sook chan
tze yin
xian min

aep blog


there is love

Love is patient,
love is kind.
It does not envy,
it does not boast,
it is not proud.

It is not rude,
it is not self-seeking,
it is not easily angered,
it keeps no record of wrongs.

Love does not delight in evil
but rejoices with the truth.

It always protects,
always trusts,
always hopes,
always perseveres.

love never fails

Corinthians 1:4-7

the history.
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
May 2009
June 2009

Template (sweetpulchritude-)
Idea (`vanessa_)
Design (LGM